Today I got gold fishes :)

As a certified expert on the effects of shitty music, I must concur with the opinion of Dr. Nicodemix. The overwhelming crappiness of N*Flames made those poor fish lose the will to survive in a universe that could allow such horrors to exist. Next time try Sodom, which is medically proven to make fish spontaneously develop elongated spinal chords so that they can headbang.
It sounds like they already had some sort of disease when you got them...then again, many factors were probably involved.

I'm little heart breaks for ya :cry:

but...uh....if you are going know....ingest them..
don't forget the tartar sauce and lemon :)
the kind thing to do would have been to bury them in matchbox coffins. When they reanimate they'll come back to nip at your toes
Chances are the chlorine content in the treated water was too much for them to take. You're supposed to either let the water sit for a day or buy treated drops for it.

And I bought some goldfish too, AND FED THEM TO MY HUNGRY ASS SOUTH AMERICAN BABY GARS!!! :loco: :loco: :loco: :loco: :loco: