Today Is a Happy Day to England!!!

well all the extra tax made from 24 hour drinking will go to married gay couples cos then get the same pension rights and everything

if they raise the smoking age it wont change anything, since i get people as young as 12 asking me for smoke all the time, i dont smoke but if i did i'd charge them all £2 and if they are addictive enough they'd pay me, and then i'd be rich!
Turbo said:
yeh dont be getting mixed up with us lot. We are far superior to our north of the border counterparts. We hired the geodies to keep them out of the promised land :grin:

Dude, geordies are more scottish than english :lol::lol:
Well... obviously I think it's minging. I reckon though that I have an answer to two little problems of my delightful little country all rolled into one. YOU SEE.. a phrase I've seen regarding immigrants coming here illegally is that they 'sneak in through the back door'. SO what should happen is, when gays get married, they go on a register where their back doors are used as sort of.. legal illegal ports to get into England. Sort of like... a national service, if you admit to being a gay it's compulsory your arse is used to let at least 50 immigrants walk in. That way... only the most idiotic of idiotic gays will admit to being gay and get married/ snog in public, and only REALLY desperate asylum seekers who honestly have to get out of Arabland or wherever will use this sytem rather than doing it properly and legally. Soon, the population should be cut by about 50% and that means affordable houses for the rest of us cause there'll be so many, what with no one to hand them out to anymore.

Besides, when you look at the state of the blokes and 'women' *using THAT term lightly* who are on the news getting hitched, you kind of wonder what normal person would want to be seen dead with them anyways.

Personally I think its about time same sex couples were allowed to have the same legal rights as different sex couples. I mean i see no reason why love is dependent on gender, i see it as above that. I like chicks, some dudes like dudes, cant see much difference.

But this also means dudes are gonna get wasted and accidently marry each other for "a laugh" :lol: cant wait!
Final_Product said:
But this also means dudes are gonna get wasted and accidently marry each other for "a laugh" :lol: cant wait!


WELL... if it was meant to go in that way, you wouldn't need lube. And if you was meant to slurp sushi off the barbershop floor... there would be no need for dildos.

Spit: (sp-it):- Spit was designed back in 10000 BC for the men to spit at the wenches if they didn't bring along dinosaur ale to the dinner barrel, or if they disobeyed the men in any way, such as not washing the bone plates or not having mammothburgers ready in time for when they got home from hunting.