Today Is a Happy Day to England!!!

drakkar_anni said:
Well... obviously I think it's minging. I reckon though that I have an answer to two little problems of my delightful little country all rolled into one. YOU SEE.. a phrase I've seen regarding immigrants coming here illegally is that they 'sneak in through the back door'. SO what should happen is, when gays get married, they go on a register where their back doors are used as sort of.. legal illegal ports to get into England. Sort of like... a national service, if you admit to being a gay it's compulsory your arse is used to let at least 50 immigrants walk in. That way... only the most idiotic of idiotic gays will admit to being gay and get married/ snog in public, and only REALLY desperate asylum seekers who honestly have to get out of Arabland or wherever will use this sytem rather than doing it properly and legally. Soon, the population should be cut by about 50% and that means affordable houses for the rest of us cause there'll be so many, what with no one to hand them out to anymore.

Besides, when you look at the state of the blokes and 'women' *using THAT term lightly* who are on the news getting hitched, you kind of wonder what normal person would want to be seen dead with them anyways.

i want some of your drugs