Today is Johan's birthday

happy birthday my northern drunk for my broken swedish to make sense. conrgats on thirty some odd great years and keep em comin! Rar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my birthday tomorrow actually, yeah booked a table at El Greco and everything. Then Wednesday I'm heading off to New York :headbang: I'll by all kinds of groceries we can't get here, so then when I come home to DK I'll light up a fat one, watch some tripped out movie and have the munchiez while dazing off :hotjump:
Heheh that's because you're the Sunshine state, bro! 80 bucks whoa...anyway I've got a sister living there and we'll probably keep it to the alchohol. Back here in Denmark you can get hashish, our main thing, for no more than 20 kroner...that's the type of price you can buy a soda for.