minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Mar 25, 2005 #1 and i'm drunk. and everyone is in a meeting except me. and i just broke/jammed the only printer that works. :Spin:
and i'm drunk. and everyone is in a meeting except me. and i just broke/jammed the only printer that works. :Spin:
Josh Seipp Member Nov 19, 2003 2,992 1 38 47 Baltimore Visit site Mar 25, 2005 #3 DRUNKST!! congratulations woooweeeeeeeeeeee
chupe666 You may enter up to 25 ch Apr 11, 2002 7,348 4 38 50 Where you live www.chupetunes.com Mar 25, 2005 #4
Profanity The Post Master Jul 3, 2003 32,140 349 83 41 Manchester, England, UK Mar 26, 2005 #5 I've never done a day of work in my entire life.
minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Mar 26, 2005 #6 why, do you have down syndrome and they just let you play board games all day?
goatschool Member Sep 12, 2002 6,729 5 38 www.youtube.com Mar 26, 2005 #9 minx, you start on monday, right?
minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Mar 26, 2005 #12 maybe they'll be like APRIL FOOLS YOU'RE NOT HIRED
FalseTodd Skirt Wizard Jul 31, 2002 3,862 1 38 47 Boston nee San Diego www.kayodot.net Mar 26, 2005 #13 "...and we're not a real company! and your life has been an elaborate fabrication!" and that's when the lights go out
"...and we're not a real company! and your life has been an elaborate fabrication!" and that's when the lights go out
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Mar 27, 2005 #15 Is stabbing someone with a dirty needle a funny april fools gag?
minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Mar 27, 2005 #17 in other news, i hate this fuckin cockblock Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 30 seconds.
in other news, i hate this fuckin cockblock Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 30 seconds.
Draft Dodging Scarecrow Year of Mao Zedong Sep 25, 2003 1,721 4 38 36 in the minds of children everywhere Mar 27, 2005 #18 I'm going to shoot myself in the kneecap for april fools day.