Today was my office Christmas party,


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
so I went home at noon and played Baldur's Gate while eating chocolate all afternoon. Win.
I will agree with Matt's statement. Work x-mas parties are fun sometimes, especially when your extremely jewish and drunk boss comes up to you with a bottle of Jack in hand, grabs you by the shoulders and shouts "ARE YA GONNA HAVE A STEAKKKKK?"
You have yours in the middle of the day? My company had a big hullabaloo last week at some glitzy hotel on the strip. The Hor' deuves were oh so delectable my friend! The only thing that pissed me off was, that the open bar closed at midnight. Had to cough up another 12 bucks for a white russian. But what the fark can ye do? :p
It was mom's homemade English toffee, SO AMAZING (and now it's gone).

The Christmas party at my work is in the afternoon because it's mainly for the field guys (I work in a construction office), office bitches like myself usually just wheeze free food. But the boss takes everyone in the office to Vegas every few years so that sorta makes up for no formal Christmas party (including room, dinner, gambling cash, etc., very cool).
It was my office Christmas party. I won a huge gift basket filled with wine, cola, and chocolates. Along with a shiny sled and birds.

I think I strained a muscle lifting the gift basket. Ouch.
Erik said:
Haha, when you said you were getting mom's homemade English toffee yesterday I assumed that Mom's® Homemade English Toffee(TM) was a Trademarked Food Product®, 'cause I like assuming that all Americans only buy ready-made food in stores. :p

stfu u r wrong. let me eat my styrofoam bread in bliss.
Erik said:
Haha, when you said you were getting mom's homemade English toffee yesterday I assumed that Mom's® Homemade English Toffee(TM) was a Trademarked Food Product®, 'cause I like assuming that all Americans only buy ready-made food in stores. :p
*assumes "why I never!" insulted position* My mom bakes ALL THE TIME, especially this time of year. I have no use for inferior prepackaged deserts!

I buy prepackaged breaded chicken strips at the regular store, and then a lot of halfway-prepared foods from Trader Joe's (imagine easy to prepare meals without the overabundance of preservatives and tomfoolery and you get the idea), other than that I cook.

When I go to the normal store it's pretty scary, most people I see buy cartloads of soda, chips, microwave meals, etc. Cartoon food.
Yeah, people have no idea what they are putting into their bodies. My entire family is into the kitchen, so therefore I know how to cook pretty fucking well, not to toot my own horn or anything. I just did 100% home-made mashed potatoes and stuffing for myself to night, and thats what its all about.
Very healthy indeed, it is truly the only way to go. It goes without saying, but pre-packaged/made foods just never stand up in flavour to real food.

Erik, on a side note, I just got Farmakon and I was wondering what you thought of it... being big on Skepticim and suchforth.
Same in Hong Kong. It seems ready made food is so expensive and too foreign to average buyers. So everyone cooks their own food. It's healthier that way since you get vegetables and tea (instead of sugary soda pop). Maybe in more ways than one since families actually sit down together to eat and talk about their day instead of retreating to a local fast food place or sitting in your room eating pizza.

My parents are both excellent cooks, but I don't know how to do anything yet. All I do is sit around and look pretty. I can make salad, macaroni and cheese. That's all.
I was reading some article the other day, and it explained that if I stopped eating food with preservatives now, they all wouldn't be out of my body by the time I died (I'm 16 now and that is assuming I lived to 70 or so). Fucked up.
Erik said:
It's #2 on my top 10 of 2003, I have a short writeup there. I reckon it's absolutely fantastic... Slightly edges out "Lead & Aether" but "Stormcrowfleet" remains their masterpiece. Imagine the "untitled" track, Nowhere (or was it Nothing? Too lazy to check right now) and The Raven & the Backward Funeral live... CSCSCSORE

YES that would rule. I agree with you too on the list. Stormcrowfleet > Farmakon > Lead and Aether. I can appreciate a band that stays in the same style all of their career but progresses massively. Farmakon rules in the atmoshpheric catagory I'd say.

Edit - This is my 2000th post. My life = not existant.
Erik said:
But the important question is do they actually do any harm whilst in your body?

Well thats the thing, they are tested to make sure they won't hurt me, but I would prefer NOT to have them in my body, like the rest of the world.
Cooking is easy to learn, just start walking around the kitchen and experimenting. If it tastes good, remember what you did. If not, feed it to the dog/neighbor/trash (or eat it anyhow like I usually do). Californians should take advantage of cooking actual meals since we have pretty much every vegetable available year round, but alas, many do not.

My biggest thing is always have a lot of spices on hand, I have probably 20 different spices at any given time and they work miracles.

PS: Both my parents are excellent cooks, since I grew up with 95% homecooking it's what I'm used to.
Erik said:
Correction: it did rule. :cool:

"Lead & Aether" is a grower. I used to think it wasn't all that exciting (except, of course, "The March and the Stream", their undisputed masterfuckingpiece) but I've grown to love it. "Aether" and "The Falls" rule immensely. I used to have a Skepticism best to "worst" list somewhere. Let me dig a bit...

P.S. I have 10000+ posts :(

January 2004 - June 2004 (125 posts)

July 2004 to Now (2000 post)

Cool list, by the way. I would have given anything to be at that Skepticism show...

edit : I fucking need Aes.