One Inch Man said:It was mom's homemade English toffee, SO AMAZING (and now it's gone).
Erik said:Haha, when you said you were getting mom's homemade English toffee yesterday I assumed that Mom's® Homemade English Toffee(TM) was a Trademarked Food Product®, 'cause I like assuming that all Americans only buy ready-made food in stores.
*assumes "why I never!" insulted position* My mom bakes ALL THE TIME, especially this time of year. I have no use for inferior prepackaged deserts!Erik said:Haha, when you said you were getting mom's homemade English toffee yesterday I assumed that Mom's® Homemade English Toffee(TM) was a Trademarked Food Product®, 'cause I like assuming that all Americans only buy ready-made food in stores.
Erik said:It's #2 on my top 10 of 2003, I have a short writeup there. I reckon it's absolutely fantastic... Slightly edges out "Lead & Aether" but "Stormcrowfleet" remains their masterpiece. Imagine the "untitled" track, Nowhere (or was it Nothing? Too lazy to check right now) and The Raven & the Backward Funeral live... CSCSCSORE
Erik said:But the important question is do they actually do any harm whilst in your body?
Erik said:Correction: it did rule.
"Lead & Aether" is a grower. I used to think it wasn't all that exciting (except, of course, "The March and the Stream", their undisputed masterfuckingpiece) but I've grown to love it. "Aether" and "The Falls" rule immensely. I used to have a Skepticism best to "worst" list somewhere. Let me dig a bit...
P.S. I have 10000+ posts