Today's \m/ metal \m/ playlist

Kreator - Endorama
Kreator - Enemy of God
Exodus - Shovel Headed Killing Machine
Exodus - Temple of the Damned
Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies
Bolt Thrower - For Victory

Probably gonna be something soothing to my anger after class with the gibbering idiot.
Lovers in the towerrrrr!
The moon and sun divided
let the fool decide!

Airged Lamh - The Silver Arm
Jotenheim - Jotenheim
The Gates of Slumber - Like A Plague Amongst The Land
Fates Warning - Awaken The Guardian
Socrates - Socrates Drank The Conium
Manilla Road - The Deluge
Emperor - Anthems to the welkin at dusk
King Diamond - Abigail (first time I heard it)
Dark Fortress - Séance (top 10 of 2006 contender)
Lord Belial - Unholy crusade
October Tide - Rain without end
I didn't know you were a Dark Fortress fan, Dan. I've been loving these guys since about 2001 :rock:

As for me: