Today's \m/ metal \m/ playlist

Lur said:
are these all first time listenings? christ you rate albums high. :loco:

I normally do rate on the high side (below a 7/10 is a BAD album to me), but these are mostly classics, you have to understand, stuff I've been waiting to hear for a LONG time. It's not like it's a bunch of 4th-rate promos. ;)
Next batch:

Nokturnal Mortem - Lunar Poetry
Pazazu - Awaken the Dragon
Rotting Christ - Triarchy of the Lost Lovers
Sacramentum - Far Away From the Sun
Sathanas - Black Earth
Summon - Dark Descent of Fallen Souls

yes. yes i do.

"Principal Skinner, you've been referred to as 'the funny one.' Is that reputation justified?"
"Yes. Yes, it is."
last couple of days I've been listening to Helheim, Helrunar, and Sólstafir pretty much exclusively, with a few breaks for the accoustic melodies of Death In June.
Friday's playlist:

Nokturnal Mortum - To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire (The re-release, possibly my favourite NM record)
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (Yes, I actually like this :loco: )
Ofermod - Mystérion Tés Anomias (Four track EP, pure brilliance, listened to it twice today)
Pentacle - Under The Black Cross (Celtic Frost meets Entombed? Excellent, dirty old-skool DM)
Nihilist - Nihilist (Classic)

Nevermore sucks.

That is all.
How disappointing..

Wealking - Dead as Dreams has been on repeat since this morning and I still don't know if it's awesome or just good.