Today's \m/ metal \m/ playlist

Lur said:
man, fuck that. i hate people that say "oh man that song is oooooold!" like that instantly means it's bad. like this one bint i was dating when i first got into Swans, i played her some of that and all she could say was "sounds like the 80's." i sorta cranked the volume and stopped talking at that point.

either way, ace response. :lol: + :rock:

I don't really remember how it went, I kinda fudged up the actuality, she left it open for the year, more like "early 90's??" so I gave it a quick thought and settled on '92 as the year of choice.

YEAH '92!

she meant is as an insult, but I totally took it as a compliment btw
yeah i think i need to get some flannel shirts again, haven't worn any for years.

i remember when i was a wee lad my grandparents would buy me a few flannel shirts and give me $25 EVERY YEAR for xmas, and i thought they were the dorkiest things ever (still wore them). then when they got cool i thought "oh, i guess i'm cool now." i wasn't. :loco:
J. said:
Band: Belenos
Album Errances Oniriques
Song: Le domaine des songes (acte 2)

Tommy likey!

Neurosis - Through Silver in Blood
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone

and now some Dawn song which is good but does not sound like Dissection. :)
haha, leave t to NAD to say "Dawn is good, and Dissection rocks, but what the fuck are all of you doing comparing them to each other?"

this is very good shit no doubt, but i don't get the comparison really. i mean okay, it's not like comparing Zappa to Slayer, but if i heard this out of nowhere i wouldn't think "this sounds like Dissection." either way i'll probably pick some of their stuff up eventually.
Thoughts on my last batch...

Behemoth - And the Forests Dream Eternally - Hearing this makes me sad Nergal pushed them the brutal death metal route; they were a MUCH better black metal band! This EP/demo is everything good pagan mid-paced black metal should be: tons of meaty riffs to sink your teeth into, loads of great headbanging moments, the perfect blend of extremely screamed vocals and blasting drumming, all wrapped up in a clean yet raw-sounding production. Standout tracks: 'Transylvanian Forest,' 'Moonspell Rites,' 'Sventevith Storming Near the Baltic (both versions),' 'Hidden in the Fog' - 9.5/10

Behemoth - SVENTEVITH (Storming Near the Baltic) - Continuing in the same vein as their debut, this is more superb Eastern European black metal with melody (see? I didn't say melodic black metal). Nergal's gang used to just fucken rule! It's not quite as good as the better-focused 1st record, and it's slightly less valuable IMO b/c it shares/borrows a couple of the strongest tracks from it: 'Hidden in the Fog,' 'Transylvanian Forest'; also: 'Wolves Guard My Coffin' - 9/10

Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike - Erik, you were dead on: I fucken loved this. :lol: Good, lengthy, well-developed black metal tracks, with ample use of keyboards, but done tastefully and IMO, perfectly. Awesome melodies throughout the record, mostly thanks to the aforementioned keys + some seriously sick guitarwork. I don't know if the tr00-pers like this stuff, but it fucking ruled. Standout tracks: um, all of them? 'Ars Manifestia,' 'Forbannet Vaere Jorden Jeg Gar Pi,' 'Svartedal,' 'Min Lekam er Meg Blott en Byrde,' 'Vettenetter' - 9.5/10

Marduk - Heaven Shall Burn...When We Are Gathered - I fucking love Marduk, let me just get that out of the way. If there's a better Marduk album than this, point me in that direction (have to hear more Opus Nocturne still). Pretty much what Marduk is known for: furious blasting, layer upon layer of rapidfire guitar riffs and a shitload of aggression. Even some kick-ass mid-paced doomy stuff, as I guess they began to explore different ways of unleashing their Satanic message. :rock: Standout tracks: 'Beyond the Grace of God,' Infernal Eternal,' Glorification of the Black God,' 'Darkness It Shall Be,' 'Dracul Va Domna Din Nou In Transylvania,' 'Legion' - 9.25/10

Morningrise - Heretic Metal - Nice homage to the black thrash metal masters (Venom, early Bathory, Celtic Frost), this album is all about riffs. And then some more riffs. Too short (only 34 minutes for 11 songs), but it's pretty headbangalicious. Standout tracks: 'War & Victory,' 'A Great Revolt,' 'During A Fullmoon' - 8/10

Nevermore - The Politics of Ecstasy - My god, without a doubt Nevermore's finest moment (haven't fully digested the new one). It's American power thrash the way it's meant to be played: aggressively and without any harness whatsoever. All at once Queensryche meeting Black Sabbath with a good hint of that Sanctuary-styled thrash. Brilliant record, and meaty too, clocking in at over 1 hour. Standout tracks: 'Seven Tongues of God,' 'This Sacrament,' 'Politics of Ecstasy,' 'Lost,' 'Tiananmen Man,' '42147,' but really, all of them - 9.5/10
markgugs said:
Thoughts on my last batch...

Behemoth - And the Forests Dream Eternally - Hearing this makes me sad Nergal pushed them the brutal death metal route; they were a MUCH better black metal band! This EP/demo is everything good pagan mid-paced black metal should be: tons of meaty riffs to sink your teeth into, loads of great headbanging moments, the perfect blend of extremely screamed vocals and blasting drumming, all wrapped up in a clean yet raw-sounding production. Standout tracks: 'Transylvanian Forest,' 'Moonspell Rites,' 'Sventevith Storming Near the Baltic (both versions),' 'Hidden in the Fog' - 9.5/10

Behemoth - SVENTEVITH (Storming Near the Baltic) - Continuing in the same vein as their debut, this is more superb Eastern European black metal with melody (see? I didn't say melodic black metal). Nergal's gang used to just fucken rule! It's not quite as good as the better-focused 1st record, and it's slightly less valuable IMO b/c it shares/borrows a couple of the strongest tracks from it: 'Hidden in the Fog,' 'Transylvanian Forest'; also: 'Wolves Guard My Coffin' - 9/10

Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike - Erik, you were dead on: I fucken loved this. :lol: Good, lengthy, well-developed black metal tracks, with ample use of keyboards, but done tastefully and IMO, perfectly. Awesome melodies throughout the record, mostly thanks to the aforementioned keys + some seriously sick guitarwork. I don't know if the tr00-pers like this stuff, but it fucking ruled. Standout tracks: um, all of them? 'Ars Manifestia,' 'Forbannet Vaere Jorden Jeg Gar Pi,' 'Svartedal,' 'Min Lekam er Meg Blott en Byrde,' 'Vettenetter' - 9.5/10

Marduk - Heaven Shall Burn...When We Are Gathered - I fucking love Marduk, let me just get that out of the way. If there's a better Marduk album than this, point me in that direction (have to hear more Opus Nocturne still). Pretty much what Marduk is known for: furious blasting, layer upon layer of rapidfire guitar riffs and a shitload of aggression. Even some kick-ass mid-paced doomy stuff, as I guess they began to explore different ways of unleashing their Satanic message. :rock: Standout tracks: 'Beyond the Grace of God,' Infernal Eternal,' Glorification of the Black God,' 'Darkness It Shall Be,' 'Dracul Va Domna Din Nou In Transylvania,' 'Legion' - 9.25/10

Nevermore - The Politics of Ecstasy - My god, without a doubt Nevermore's finest moment (haven't fully digested the new one). It's American power thrash the way it's meant to be played: aggressively and without any harness whatsoever. All at once Queensryche meeting Black Sabbath with a good hint of that Sanctuary-styled thrash. Brilliant record, and meaty too, clocking in at over 1 hour. Standout tracks: 'Seven Tongues of God,' 'This Sacrament,' 'Politics of Ecstasy,' 'Lost,' 'Tiananmen Man,' '42147,' but really, all of them - 9.5/10

After revisiting old behemoth the other day after the discussion about them. I have to agree, they were a much better black metal band than death metal band. Oh well. Kvist... FUCK THAT ALBUM RUlES.

Marduk, last time i listened to any Marduk was a long time ago, i'll have to give them another chance.

Nevermore. Yup.