Today's \m/ metal \m/ playlist

Next batch:

On Thorns I Lay - Sounds of Beautiful Experience
Psyco Drama - The Illusion
Satanic Slaughter - s/t
Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
White Skull - I Won't Burn Alone
Falkenbach - En Their Medh Riki Fara

Fuck metal.

Drudkh - Forgotten Legends
Thergothon - Streams from the Heavens
Johanne Brahms - Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 34
I Shalt Become - Wanderings
Tangeringe Dream - Phaedra
Demilich said:
overly derivative music never bothered me as long as the music commands my attention. we shall see.

Any borrowings in their music are partly made up by the fact that they're far more focused than Tool IMO...I can forgive lack of originality if there's enough emotion in the music to avoid sounding like overt imitation, and DST certainly qualifies.
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Opeth - Orchid
Opeth - Deliverance
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Alice in Chains - bigass box thingy

i think i just re-fell in love with D'ohpeth.
On Thorns I Lay - Sounds of Beautiful Experience - I was pretty excited to hear this, when I read who the band's influences were (The Cure, Depeche Mode, etc.), but really, it was just poorly produced fairly bland gothic doom death w/ some black vocals. Did nothing for me - 5/10

Psyco Drama - The Illusion - honestly, I have no idea who these guys are, how I got this album, or if they've ever recorded anything else, but hot damn, the CD rocked! Reminded me at times of Queensryche (early), Virgin Steele, and good ol' mid-80s heavy metal. I really enjoyed quite a bit of this. 7.5/10

Satanic Slaughter - s/t - Woah, fuck me! According to the liner notes, this was their debut album, a full 10 years after they formed. I guess they're often considered a thrash band, but really, it's a lot closer to black metal in sound. Some mid-tempo stuff, some blasting, but fucking riffs galore & lots of headbanging! Loved it! - 8.5/10

Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter - without question the best CD of this recent bunch. My goodness this CD fucking OWNS. Just get it. It's along the same vein as Dissection and other melody-infused black/death metal, but these guys incorporate some folkish/viking themes throughout. There isn't a bad track among the 9, this is a brilliant record, too bad it's their only one. - 10/10 BUY OR DIE :cool:

White Skull - I Won't Burn Alone - the less said about this the better. Why do I bother with these bands? This is like bad Heart outtakes. A couple of decent AOR-style tracks, but this isn't even good Italian power metal - 5.5/10

Falkenbach - En Their Medh Riki Fara - at long last, I get to sink my fangs into Falkenbach's recorded debut...ahhh...well worth the wait! Much more raw and "black" than their future releases, and nowhere near as "happy." You can hear the direction they'd head and polish as they matured, but this is far more guitar-driven. Very anthem-oriented, with very harsh black metal vocals. Loved it, of course. - 9/10

more to come...
Next batch:

Behemoth - And the Forests Dream Eternally
Behemoth - SVENTEVITH (Storming Near the Baltic)
Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Marduk - Heaven Shall Burn...When We Are Gathered
Morningrise - Heretic Metal
Nevermore - The Politics of Ecstasy

markgugs said:
Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter - without question the best CD of this recent bunch. My goodness this CD fucking OWNS. Just get it. It's along the same vein as Dissection and other melody-infused black/death metal, but these guys incorporate some folkish/viking themes throughout. There isn't a bad track among the 9, this is a brilliant record, too bad it's their only one. - 10/10 BUY OR DIE :cool:

Falkenbach - En Their Medh Riki Fara - at long last, I get to sink my fangs into Falkenbach's recorded debut...ahhh...well worth the wait! Much more raw and "black" than their future releases, and nowhere near as "happy." You can hear the direction they'd head and polish as they matured, but this is far more guitar-driven. Very anthem-oriented, with very harsh black metal vocals. Loved it, of course. - 9/10

Boom. On. The. Radar.
DURAN DURAN - s/t (The Wedding Album)
MOGWAI - Young Team


AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
markgugs said:
In The Woods - Heart of the Ages - Wow, something bigger than me is going on during this record. VERY involved, and very complex stuff, yet still grounded with blistering guitar riffs and evil, black metal vocals often. Very cool "avantgarde" stuff, considering I typically don't get into this kind of music often - 7.5/10

7.5/10?!?!?!?!? What the fuck is wrong with you??? :cool:
Dick Sirloin said:
7.5/10?!?!?!?!? What the fuck is wrong with you??? :cool:

I dunno, where do I start?

Dude, you know me, I can't get into too much of the avantgarde shite. It's not a BAD album, it's just complex, and will take future listens to appreciate, that's all.

Put it this way...the reason I'm going through so much stuff lately is that I'd like to pare my collection down a bit. Anything under an 8/10 is as good as gone, unless I mark it an "exception." I'm keeping this In The Woods album, if that tells you anything.