Today's \m/ metal \m/ playlist

J. said:
I have heard nothing but good things about that Vinterland CD. Maybe it's hgh time I actually get it.

Jeff, it's so fucken good I can't begin to describe it. I right away like it more than a great many of my previous favorites, if that tells you anything.

Of course it's my "shitty" opinion/taste, so.... :lol:
Erik said:
This, you will love.

Playlist lately:
Deströyer 666 "Violence is the Prince of This World"
Deströyer 666 "Unchain the Wolves"
Deströyer 666 "Phoenix Rising"
Deströyer 666 "Cold Steel... For an Iron Age"
Deströyer 666 "Terror Abraxas"

[Kvist] is up next, I'm excited! Especially coming on the heels of those 1st 2 Behemoth albums...I'm in an evil black metal mood!
current listening:

Bathory - Hammerheart

It does baffle me how some can love Moonsorrow and Thyrfing and Morrigan and Falkenbach and Graveland, and Hades and Helheim, yet hate Bathory. Quorthon is clearly the God of Viking Metal. Just weird, but cool. Carry on.
J. said:
current listening:

Bathory - Hammerheart

It does baffle me how some can love Moonsorrow and Thyrfing and Morrigan and Falkenbach and Graveland, and Hades and Helheim, yet hate Bathory. Quorthon is clearly the God of Viking Metal. Just weird, but cool. Carry on.

Jeff, I ordered that Mayhemic Truth record. Couldn't locate any Belenos though.
Old Man Gloom - Christmas
Clutch - Robot Hive / Exodus
Soundgarden - Superunknown
Toadies - Hell Below / Stars Above

metal, not metal, whatever. i don't care.
omg another Toadies fan. :rock:

seriously missed band, yet i haven't checked out the ummm... the... whatever that dude is doing now. Brother Buttplug or something.
oh i had no idea he was even doing anything now

yeah man, I totally dig the toadies, grew up on that shiz

hahahahah the other day, this girl says to me: "y'know, 1992 ended a while ago"

me: "oh really?"
man, fuck that. i hate people that say "oh man that song is oooooold!" like that instantly means it's bad. like this one bint i was dating when i first got into Swans, i played her some of that and all she could say was "sounds like the 80's." i sorta cranked the volume and stopped talking at that point.

either way, ace response. :lol: + :rock:
To increase the iron and steel content of this thread... I'm now going to listen to in order.

Manowar - Thor + The Gods Made Heavy metal (the songs)
Destroyer 666 - Cold Steel for an Iron Age
Graveland - Creed of Iron