Today's \m/ metal \m/ playlist

Neurosis & Jarboe
Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
Neurosis - Through Silver in Blood

i need more Neurosis, this isn't enough!!!
Times of Grace, my good man, Times of Grace.

In fact, knowing your tastes are a bit out there, check out every band on the Neurot label.

For me:

Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist
yep, ordered that a little while ago. :rock: there's a few bands i've been meaning to scope out on Neurot, might be the right time.

Nokturnal MortEm - The Taste of Victory

see New! and Improved! thread on that. or not, whatever.
dude what was that you said a few days ago "good thing i disregard your opinion halfway through every post"? fucking brilliant. :tickled:
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Naglfar - Pariah
Rudra - Brahmavidya: Primordial I
Skepticism - Farmakon
Carpathian Forest - Defending the Throne of Evil
Airged Lamh - The Silver Arm (prob the best metal album of the 00's)
Jotenheim - Jotenheim
The Gates of Slumber - Like A Plague Amongst The Land
Saint Vitus - C.O.D.
Sacred Steel - Wargods of Metal
Ironsword - Return of The Warrior
Enslaved - Below the Lights

that's all i've listened to today because it was in my car and i had to go to band practice. i hate being sick, it's the only time i NEVER listen to music.
Yob - The Unreal Never Lived
Bohren & der Club of Gore - Black Earth
Oceansize - Everyone Into Position
Herbst9 - Buried by Time and Sand