Todays music


May 22, 2002
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what the fuck is up with it? What's with all this EMO shite?? Every band sounds the same, all you hear is 2 words being screamed and then 4 being sung and 2 screamed followed by 4 sung its the same shit everywhere you go. I've just been to my local "rock" bar and paid £4 to listen to stuff guitar players of 2 months could play, what a load of ballocks.

All this "fashion" music, like wearing your guitar like a fucking Beatle all of a sudden seems cool, whereas a few years back when Blink 182 were 'in' it was cool 2 wear your guitar round ur knees!! Not to forget you HAVE to have a sweat band around ur wrist otherwise your simply not a band!

I can't wait for 54 to start touring and rock the fuck out and kick all this fucking EMO shit's arse! You may have guessed by now im quite pisse doff :D but does anyone else see this or just me???

keep it true:headbang:
"it's everyone to their own" agreed :( just there is so much shit out 2day! People are becoming famous and rich because they wear a cap with "Atticus" on and shite like that and learning 3 chords in drop D! its shocking! :(
I agree!

I mean how much more can bands downtune their guitars before the strings fall off??
They are all just cord bashers with a vocalist who has a pussy voice for the verses then scream random shit on the's really pathetic!

Everyone to their own yes but everyones tastes in music seem to suck immensly these days in the UK.
truie metal must be brought back!!!!!!!!!

EMO is even worse than Nu-metal...who would have thought it possible
yeah but then again, what I hate more is the way as soon as something becomes popular it gets branded with the latest genre name. Emo in this case. I hate pigeon hole-ing everything and i hate the term emo. I also hate the way that good bands are often ignored by people who are "too cool" to like them because they're "emo" or nu-metal". I'm not accusing anyone here, I'm just having my rant. As a general rule, most popular music is airbrushed and like everything else, which is how it got popular, but that doesn't mean its all shite.
There has been similar descussions in the Bloodstock forum and I think we all came to the agreed conclusion that it's mostly Kerrangs fault.
Kerrang put loads of bands into all these stupid genres....someone even said that they put Nightwish under the genre of Nu Goth! EH????

You do have a point that not all bands put into some of the mainstreem genres are shit and often some are put in there when they shouldn't be!
Why all the different genres anyway!!!!
I like metal that has soaring good vocals, catchy gallopy riffs, good solos and cool lyrics! There are soooo many genres that have these elements so I don't even bother sayign what genres I like!
I know you ain't accusing me because we don't know one another to pass comment like that :) but maybe they just don't like the music?? But what you say does coincide with what I mean about image and things like that. People are more bothered about the coolness and fashion of the band now, which gets on my tittie foo foo's :D I don't know who to blame but Kerrang does air some dodgy talent - give me The Antiques Rock Show on Scuzz any day :D!
Slasher said:
I don't know who to blame but Kerrang does air some dodgy talent - give me The Antiques Rock Show on Scuzz any day :D!
Scuzz airs some dodgy stuff as well

Agree that the Antiques Rock Show is great, but some of the other 'specialist' programs they air are crap (the up and coming one makes me reach for the controls very frequently)
Yeah I agree about Scuzz, thats why I specified The Antiques Rock Show :D The Cult and Maiden and what not :D Mullet Man show's pretty good too, they sometmies show Saxon :D
Most rock bands will find that at some point over their career the genre in which they play (or are classified into by lazy journos) will be fashionable to some extent.

The whole idea that the Darkness are playing music that hasn't been heard since the mid-80s is utter rubbish. It's been out there, just you've had to look a bit harder than in The Sun to find it. Now that a record company has pumped a huge amount of cash and broke them, will other bands in the same style do anywhere near as well? Nope. Will AC/DC become a really popular band again? Doubt it.

It wasn't that long ago (around 2000) that the music press told us that metal was back. And now we're being told rock is being saved. And somewhere along the line, Andrew WK was also the saviour of rock. So were these true? No. It was just something the record companies told us to make us by their products. Sometimes it works (Darkness), sometimes it doesn't (AWK).

People will probably get tired of the Darkness pretty soon and a new saviour will come along, hyped by their label and the press and try to squeeze every last penny they can out of us.

And if you can't be arsed to read all that, my point is - the music biz is messed up beyond belief and although fashions don't help, they are not the major problem.
It's not just metal and/or rock that this happens to - every genre of music is further subdivided into smaller and smaller categories, each with a label. This has happened since the time of the composers of the Renaissance period and probably before.

The problem is caused by people who call themselves the "industry" - the non musicians that rule over musicians. Beethoven wouldn't have been as popular without some pretty influential friends backing him, just as The Darkness wouldn't have moved out of Shepherds Bush pubs without a Record label who decided they were the next big thing.

The "industry" encompasses magazines aswell as the labels, and as our primitive herding instinct displays itself, we (the majority) decide that we'll follow what everyone else is doing. If everyone else thinks it's good, well why the fuck don't I?

Some of us choose to remain above that way of thinking, but in reality, it's only another - more elitist - group.

Fuck it. It's the way we are, it's in our genes. Those with power (marketing power, in this case) dictate what we all think, whether we agree or not.
Man, mullet man sucks cock, he's a fucking nob head... Quote "Marilyn Manson, real metal" somet like that anyways. The adverts were funny but its so worn out now.

BTW, this is Rick, Tonys mate... the reason im posting under his name is because he signed on at my house and i cant remember my password and really cant be arsed to enter my own shit coz I never post on here anyways coz I don't like 54 but aslong as ya all happy eh? :wave:

You should all be listening to some PROPA music like The distillers, avril lavigne and hole. I tell ya that's proper metal. They know how to play solos they just dont wanna coz they're cool and original.
Slasher said:
You should all be listening to some PROPA music like The distillers, avril lavigne and hole. I tell ya that's proper metal. They know how to play solos they just dont wanna coz they're cool and original.
A perfect example of industrial brainwashing that - whoever this is - thinks that Avril Lavigne is a musician at all. :p
matt, rick is the biggest metal fan of all probs but at the same time he is the biggest piss take.

anyway i do agree that kerrang and other money making companies do brand and pump shit into you and brain to wash the kids. personally if those kids want to sit at home and be brainwashed they can by all means but i believe its very poor and sad. you have people like our selves that go out of our ways to see great metal bands which hardly have any t.v time (if any at all) to keep true to our selves and metal :headbang: .

this emo crap they can hardly play guitar what about great guitar players like zakk wylde or alexi lahio where is there t.v time it doesnt happen because its not the in thing. i say fuck kerrang and stuff i would rather keep going to see live bands and discovering, than listening to that shite on kerrang all the time.