Todays music

Even though I'm not an emo fan, i must say that bands like Funeral for a Friend can play their instruments. I'm not fans of them but they can actually play. But most of em can only play powerchords and palm mute.
Rick: Aye, funeral for a friend aint band. However they're the only decent "emo" band. Lets face it, emo is just another label or what have ya like 'nu-metal' was... It's not rock n roll and it's not gonna be around for ever... It's just a bunch of kids going along with the times, it's just as much a fashion as a fickle and thoughtless style of music. They should stop wasting their time and be inspired by the real bands that will never grow old. The new shit needs to stop clogging up the air waves and make space for the hard working, creative, innovative, talented people out there.
I agree, we were having this convo in college tuther day. We said Funeral were the only EMO band who play riffs and licks during the songs, most other emo bands are power chords all the way. Kids these days ey :P Rick how about you logging in as you now and again? :P I agree with them clogging up the airwaves and it's them who are stopping the hard workers getting anywhere
To be honest it's again coming down to "what the fuck is emo?" again. I get acused of listening to emo shite, I couldn't care less what it is, but if it is indeed this "emo" we're all so obsessed with, then it's not all power chords. I'm sorry to keep repeating myself, but putting bands in genres other than when you're trying to describe their sound to recommend them to someone just pisses me off. It just gets messy and stupid.
SANDMAN10 said:
i do believe the face of all your fears needs to be hung from a meat hook and while hanging needs to think about how stupid his last comment was. i actully feel sick now.

I was actually mocking random people from my college that actually said that to me in a serious way.
the strange thing ive noticed is that most ppl on here are really against all these labels for genres of music blah blah but the for the most nearly all of you use them ie funeral the only gd emo band its all a bit silly.
im not against other styles of music if some one gets off on listening to fuckin busted or slipknot then thats there thing there not hurting neone as its all ready been said each to there own. i just get bored with this shit that ppl who listen to heavy music think that other ppl hav to follow suit. maybe pl shud just concentrate on there own lives and there own tastes before takin the pisss out of others or starting threads like this. just leave everyone be its simple as that if u dont like whats on kerrang or scuzz dont watch it. yet again as someone already said the stuff u likes out there u just got to look harder for it. ne way ill stop rambling now as i cant be arsed to type nemore
Aye but this is a music forum where people and fans have their say and air opinions to form debates and discussions etc. Boards wouldn't really exist as much if no1 did that - so I thought I'd air my opinion and see what others thought of the matter.
you all are some sick fuckers.
we are the gay,we rock and suck dick.
long live Anthrax