why are emofags so fucking skinny!??!!?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
look, i was a skinny motherfucker in high school but these dudes HUMAN STICKS.

band practice was at a rehearsal joint last night, and next to us was some emo band. one of the dudes was about 12" wide, built like an 8 year old girl. when i go to guitar center i see these freaks all the time, prior to this emo craze i've never seen dudes that tiny!

I want to shove a rod up their anus and cook them over an open flame. No flesh is as tender, as emo flesh.
Demilich said:
Guess when it got popular they finally got the urge to come out of mom's basement!
seriously, that was my only explanation!!!

look, i weighed about 140 lbs. when i started high school, and i'm 5'11. that was RAIL skinny. i highly doubt these dudes break the 100 lb. mark WTF.
lol dude i weighed i think 160 when i went in to high school and now i'm about 215, but i'm not even fat, i'm so goddamn tall that i can get away with it!
cause most of them are also vegetarians / vegans ... not healthy when your body is still developing.
lurch70 said:
cause most of them are also vegetarians / vegans ... not healthy when your body is still developing.
huh, didn't think of that.

this isn't like creepy skinny guy skinny, the dudes i'm talking about are literally have twigs for bones. they look extremely underdeveloped but are approaching their 20s. :err: <-- this smiley rules.
the two emos at our house (chrome's sister and her friend) are actually kinda portly. from too many vegan brownies and cookies. oreos are vegan >_>
i don't get shit like that. i have friends that are vegan, they don't go around flaunting it. the only time people know is when they say "hey man, want a bite of my raw t-bone?" and they say "no thanks, i'm pretty vegan, dude."
I will probably go vegetarian when I move out, half because I am fucking lazy, and also because I think I am going to need all the karma I can get. I won't be all "fashion vegetarian" though, just "cut down on the kebabs" vegetarian, have to start getting used to Felafels.:err:
Night Mare said:
I will probably go vegetarian when I move out, half because I am fucking lazy, and also because I think I am going to need all the karma I can get. I won't be all "fashion vegetarian" though, just "cut down on the kebabs" vegetarian, have to start getting used to Felafels.:err:

Fuck you and your ways. Meat rules your puny sack.
E-bortion said:
Fuck you and your ways. Meat rules your puny sack.

Eat meat. Drink beer. Beat chest. Burp. Watch football. Eat more meat. Burp Repeat.

Not that there is anything wrong with beer.
