Advice Needed !!!


New Metal Member
Dec 8, 2005
Hi, I really need some opinions on a problem Im having. A friend of mine from school invited me to come to one of his bands practices and listen to them and I really liked their material. The lead guitarst was dressed like an emo guy but their music sounded alot more metal than emo and I just figured they were a metal band with an emo guy in it, but i checked their website and they described themselves as hardcore emo metal. I really liked the guys in the band and we clicked perfectly and were just shredding out some awesome tunes, but I cant stand anything about emo. I hate the crying, the girl pants, the thick horned rim glasses, the tight sweaters the thrashing around on stage, the "hardcore" dancing, the haircuts. Id rather go to the exact same metal concert 20 times than one emo show. I liked these guys music, but I dont know if I can handle the emo scene. I dont dislike the people but I just dont understand emo, it doesnt click in my head. My present band is going down the shithole, after 5 years were growing really far apart and its just not happening anymore. Weve had one practice this month and it sucked because one of the members didnt bring anything. Im so close to just leaving. So, do I join a band that enjoys and classifys themselves as emo, after spending my entire high school career bad mouthing it and hating it proving Im a huge hypocrite or do I stay in a band Im unhappy in ? Im trying to be as open minded as I can, but I feel that turning emo would be as natural for me as turning gay, and thats impossible. I dont know what to do. I could really use some advice.
If you have to convince yourself to be openminded, maybe you're not. But that's not a problem. Noone likes everything.
If you like the bands music and you feel it can bring you forward as a musician i'd say go for it. As long as you're not forced to paint your fingernails there should be no problem.
you don't have to "turn Emo" if you like the music, and you'd have fun with it, just join it. No one's gonna stop you from being a metalhead in a non-metal band. Happens around here all the time
Don't join a band if you don't respect what they do. If they ask, Tell them the truth man. "I'm just not into that emo shit"