Today's words of wisdom


Lord of the Whisky
Sep 21, 2002
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NEVERFUCKINGEVER continue to live with your ex-girlfriend (or boyfriend or whatever) after you have broken up, no matter how much she claims things are completely cool, and feigns being a pleasant person. Only hell can come of it.

That is all.

I lied, there is whisky.
Well, on the brighter side of the issue, it's a perfect opportunity to get some great nothing fights out. Just start quarrels about silly things like carpet colors and let it escalate. Great fun.

On a serious note, I feel for you buddy.
Ooh, we're well past that stage to not being able to be in the apartment together at the same time. It's fun. Hopefully I'll be out of here in the next month and this sad twisted country song like ambience of my life can cease.
Who's place is it? I don't mean like "our place". I mean who pays more for it, who bought the furniture, dishes and shit like that?
Necromunchkin said:
Ooh, we're well past that stage to not being able to be in the apartment together at the same time. It's fun. Hopefully I'll be out of here in the next month and this sad twisted country song like ambience of my life can cease.
Do you do that cool Fight Club thing where one walks out of the room as the other walks in?
Metal head87 said:
Who's place is it? I don't mean like "our place". I mean who pays more for it, who bought the furniture, dishes and shit like that?

I own most of the furniture and dishes and the like, but because I moved in with her when another roommate left, I wasn't actually on the lease. It's a fun situation.
Buy a matching carpet/curtain set and dispay it while you're still there, without telling her where you got it. Then when you leave, take it, and watch as she cries as she realizes no carpet/curtain combo will ever tie the room together so adequately again.

I bet Derick approves of this course of action.
Necromunchkin said:
I own most of the furniture and dishes and the like, but because I moved in with her when another roommate left, I wasn't actually on the lease. It's a fun situation.
Well make sure to take all your stuff.
Stuff up the toilets and wipe your ass on the floor as well. Block up the shower drain with cement too.
Yeah, she's gone through like two new boyfriends since we broke up, including a guy I used to go to shows with. I just blew it off and told them to keep their fucking down enough so it didn't disrupt NPR but then of course, I'm the one acting "weird." I just want to be left alone, I tell ye. And right now, I wouldn't have sex with her if the alternative was a body-hair orgy with Nudist Priest.
I think you're underestimating the ecstasy that Boaby Halford is capaple of producing in a man.

Also, Isabel: That sucks. :( Try to move on though, because folks do exist that won't turn around and fuck you over. They're not that large in number, but they're around.

Oh, in Scotland "Boaby" is a euphemism for cock.
metalskater7 said:
Buy a matching carpet/curtain set and dispay it while you're still there, without telling her where you got it. Then when you leave, take it, and watch as she cries as she realizes no carpet/curtain combo will ever tie the room together so adequately again.

I bet Derick approves of this course of action.

hahahah what the hell?! :lol:

I thought this idea was SO BRILLIANT that I had to respond and show my affection. I had no idea you mentioned my name until I starting typing this response and then read the whole post. It's really creepy!
Trick is, never move in with your girlfriend in the first place.
Chromatose said:
hahahah what the hell?! :lol:

I thought this idea was SO BRILLIANT that I had to respond and show my affection. I had no idea you mentioned my name until I starting typing this response and then read the whole post. It's really creepy!
Deja vu, you owe me a soda!