Toejam and Earl III

kleo: Totally, I'm with ya on that. I loved my Sega Master System because I put Phantasy Star in the top and awesome stuff happened to the TV when I pressed these little buttons.

I do hope Nintendo doesn't go the way of Sega and become software only. Sega's producing some really cool stuff, but the scattered arrangement of exclusives (no sonic for PS2, TJ&E only for XBox, etc., is Shinobi coming out for anything other than PS2?) is kind of irritating. It's like they want you to own all three consoles. Weird. Unless Zelda and Metroid are so stupendously good that people start buying Gamecubes like mad, they gonna have some problems, I think. StarFox and Mario were supposed to huge, and I think the reaction to them has been kind of lukewarm, although it's a little early to tell.

Baliset: Yeah, but MS, from what I hear, loses money (albeit probably a small amount, though I've heard estijmates as high as $100, but that strikes me as pretty unlikely) on every console they sell. You getting a used console is MS' wet dream - they still make money on every game you buy, and they didn't have to pay Electronics Boutique to sell you the hardware.
I mean, Coke and Pepsi taste essentially the same (coke/pepsi loyalists: DO NOT! DO NOT!)

Coke and Pepsi taste nothing alike damn it! Next you'll be telling me that Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper are the same. How about 7-up and Sprite. Mountain Dew and Mellow Yellow.
Originally posted by FalseTodd
I think video game brand loyalty is hilarious.

i totally agree with you there. i totally loved having sega when i was a kid but i also loved SNES games too. As far as i know the only people who still harbor brand loyalty with video games are the Driver brothers, hence why i give them shit about it when i see it in a post. :)
Greg, have you seen my ink?
I'm not really a loyalist. Downstairs, we have this switch array so we can run Genesis(w/addons), Saturn, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox. NES, SNES, N64, and PS1 are sitting there in case we want them and the Coleco is upstairs. Plus, there are three or four handhelds around.

Consoles have never been where the real money is. Companies do lose moneyover time. Hence the backout of Sega from the market. They just weren't making enough but had software development teams that could really pull off some nice titles.
Who knows with the Gamecube? The thing confuses me. Alot of thesoftware for it seems to be for older gamers. yet, so much about the design of the system itself is made for kids. That system is just adorable. One thing I can say I am glad for is that we snagged four converters so the PS2 controllers could be used with the system. That default one is.... special.