Tom Bleed (noob question)

Via Noctis

Jun 23, 2007
In most of my projects up till now, I have always triggered. But a drummer that I will be recording is pretty adimit about using mics. There is no way to completely remove/gate the tom to tom bleed is there...? Even if I side chain a gate with a trigger if he is fast there will still be a little bleed of say the second tom in the first tom. Right? Is that something to be worried about or is that little bit not really an issue for you guys... Sorry if I am being an idiot. :cry:
Yeah, I read that thread. it just seems that unless I replace them I will never be able to completely get rid of the bleed, without affecting the sound.
there will always be some bleed, just try and minimise it with good mic placement (and using the right mics). Gates and expanders with sidechaining etc are all useful tools as well

but really, you just have to take it into account when you're mixing
If anything bleed makes everything sound that little bit more natural.

(Although hi-hat bleed into the snare mic is a pain in the arse if you want to boost the highs on the snare. I wouldn't worry that much about the toms)