tom cruise, historian

i dunno i only lived there a year but our neighbor had a dog that was black and named the N word! wtf? and a guy in the center of town warned us that they don't like black people out there. weirdos.
It's funny that even the television news is talking about how crazy he's been acting.

I think he's a hypocrite and a cokehead.
I think it's creepier to think that he's so committed to Scientology that he blindly follows all of its tenets, without fail. Since they're completely anti-drug, he'd have to be so, too.
That reminds me, can he drink any caffeine? It's drug, legal, but still the fact remains, it's a drug. I'm sure the bastard drinks coffee, and wouldn't that be quite hypocritical?
i actually like him as an actor, at least in his movies in the last 6 years, for the most part.
i have to admit that now he's kind of entertaining in a "what will he say next" kind of way.
he seems kind of like the scientology equivelent to southern baptists.