Tone Comparison (MetalFoundry-SD2.0-Toneport)


Serial Riffer
Dec 28, 2008
Wattrelos, France
Hello everyone!
I finaly managed to get my hands over Metal Foundry and I'm quite satisfied with the new features it has! But still, I feel like I'm missing something, the sound, while being more realistic, sounds weaker to my ears (especially the kick) .
I just wanted you to comment two of my works, one is a song I recorded using Gearbox and a tweaked version of Bulb's preset, using SD2.0 for the drums.

And the second is a short stuff I did today just to make some mixing tests with Metal Foundry (and another tweaked version of Bulb's preset).

EDIT: Improved :

What do you think? Any advices?
dropbox plz!
i heard SamDHyde - I suck at guitar, tone is kool for me , drums too, but the kick is very veeeery buried... maybe just this shit headphones i'm using right now? 'cause it sounds like... REALLY, buried =B, snares cutting through preety good though
Wow thanks! :)
Yeah the snare sounds weird to me too, maybe a little bit too loud? Dunno.
I tried to change the mix on it, but it sounds strange, I used the Ludwig Supraphonic, with no effects on it in MF.
If anyone has a good Metal Foundry preset, please send :p