Tone competition 2 round 7

Which of these clips has your favorite guitar tone?

  • Q

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • QQ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • R

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • RR

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • S

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • SS

    Votes: 27 50.9%
  • T

    Votes: 2 3.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
None of these were particularly great to be honest.
Where the fuck is the gain on QQ? Definitely undergained, those palm mutes sounded weak.
I'll for SS this round. Doesn't sound amazing, but it was the best this round had to offer.
I'll check it out, did it get any votes?

EDIT: I checked. Two votes! Probably me and my imaginary friend :D

Haha, you're great at dialing tones for your own playing Ola, but i think you need to practice a bit more in dialing for other people's (ie: vastly inferior) playing styles and DIs. I've found it's usually way too bassy and scooped to be usable in a mix, which is probably what cost you from winning your round! The tone itself is crushing, but totally covered up by all the boomyness.

It's funny really. The whole thing illustrates that being a musician and engineer are still two vastly different disciplines. I think if all the people I worked with played like you Ola, I'd have many less suicidal days when it came to guitar reamping!
Congrats to SS!

Q was GuitarHack

No info submitted

QQ was scootbaloo

No info submitted

R was id3alism

A Marshall JTM-600 amp with a Behringer TO-800 as tubescreamer were used to record these files

RR was Shogger

Thanks for the ton of info!

Ultimate metal guitar tone competition - shogger

Both guitars have dedicated settings. They are boosted by a simple volume plugin before they go into a LePou456.
You can see the settings in the screenshots shogger_amp_left and shogger_amp_right.
I use 2 cabs by Recabinet for each amp. You can see them on the screenshot shogger_cabs.
Now all four cabs are mixed into a sub group (folder). Here they go first through the apEQ:
HP 48dB slope @ 92Hz
Peak -4.0dB @ 230Hz Q 0.9oct
Peak -1.2dB @ 1200Hz Q 1.5oct
Peak -0.8dB @ 2350Hz Q 0.5oct
LP 12dB slope @ 6kHz
HP is to cut off low end of the guitars to make room for the kick and bass.
230Hz to take out some wooliness and to make room for the body of the snare.
1200Hz to take out some nasalness and to make more room for the snare and kick.
2350Hz to tame the pinches and to make the guitars overall a little smoother.
LP to take out some fizz.
After the eq I inserted a FerricTDS tape sim plugin in mono for each side to even out both guitars seperately
as they are quite dynamic in this tune.
The settings for these FerricTDS instances are like the upper one in the screenshot shogger_guitars_folder.
The screenshot is already quite big and wouldn't have fit upon my monitor at the same time, so you see only one here.
Next is a FerricTDS for both guitars to give them a bit of glue as guitar group. Lower FerricTDS on the screenshot.
And the last one in the guitar chain here is Uhbik-A with a short ambience to give the guitars more glue and space.
I automated the guitars to even out their volume and to weigh them according to the musical importance of their parts.
The guitars were rendered @ 96kHz for better tone.






S was James Doolan

The tone is a blend of 6505 and mesa dual rec (both boosted with maxon od 808) into a mesa os 4x12 miced with a single sm57.

The mesa is mixed the most prominent with the 6505 mixed in lower all guitars bussed to main guitar bus where there is some muti band compression going on and an instance of psp vintage warmer adding a little gain and low + high end boost. Also all guitar tracks hi and low passed at 100 htz and 10,000 htz respectivly. If you need more specific info just let me know.

T was Jevil

TSE v.1.03 Ampsim -> Voxengo Tube Amp -> Voxengo Boogex + Guitarhack’s FinalV2 Impulse -> C4 -> Waves REQ …………. All Panned -91/91, a very tiny bit of reverb.