Tone Help


Angry Metal Guy
Apr 18, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
Hey there! I'm a bit of a n00b here, and I'm definitely a n00b at recording. I had recorded a demo on GarageBand and now I'm re-recording that material because the material is strong (IMO) but the record was fucking horrible.

So a couple of things: first, Guitar L is basically GarageBand tone, but Guitar R is Studio Devil's free "British Amp" plugin. Both of them are EQ'd and run "double miced" using Recabinet. Yesterday I dropped the bass a bit more towards the 200 mhz range, and moved the guitars up really trying to beef them up without dropping into the bass territory because I want them to sit separately in the mix. I have no monitors, as well, so I've just been doing comparisons and stuff...

But this tone is just.. bleh. I can't seem to really get the kind of tone I want out of the equipment I have. I know that I can't get it gainy and distorted enough and I'll definitely be picking up Revalver when I have the cash, but given that I just dropped a ton of fucking cash on other stuff I just don't have the budget for it.

I'm also including a comparison version of my tone from the first go around where I had a very different approach to tone.

Suicide Hymn (1st Try - Sans Recabinate and "mastered"): Hymn Re-Mastered.mp3

Suicide Hymn (2nd Try - Recabinated with different tone - unmastered and therefore a lot quieter): Hymn (Recabinated).mp3

Any helpful advice beyond "get new equipment", which I'm well aware I need, would be really, really great.