Tonewood for metal.


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2010
Okay, so I'm debating between alder body or Mahogany body. But I'm worried alder might be too bright for what I'm looking for.

Every time I think alder I think Metallica With kirks custom being alder bodied. Songs like puppets and sandman. While I'm not dissing those. It's just not the tone I'm looking for. Not dark enough. Too much high.

I'm going for something darker and lower. I would compare what I'm looking for a sorta lamb of god kinda chug tone. ( I'm not really fan of either Metallica or lamb of god. I'm just using these as some tone comparisons. So you can get an idea of what I want. Versus what I don't want.)

So, would Alder still be a good wood for what I'm looking for? Or should I go mahogany?
Well, my custom guitars are ash and swamp ash and I don't think they're too bright. The ash one was when it still had a SD Custom 7 in the bridge though, but I changed it to a Lundgren M7.

Remember that the neck joint style and neck material hugely affect the tone too. And if the guitar is a neck through, the body material is going to have a smaller effect on the tone.
I like alder for the midrange punch - mahogany (all other things equal) will sound darker and softer in comparison, which is why it's often paired with a brighter tonewood like maple. In my opinion it's (and sounds better) easier to take the high/mid punch out than it is to add it back in.

That said, it ultimately comes down to the individual guitar - go play some guitars and see what you prefer.
Mahogany with a Maple Cap and Mahogany set neck - my favorite metal combination. But like others have said - you need to try out a bunch of guitars and see which one gives you the tone you are after. While the tone wood will have an effect on the end result, it's still only part of the equation once you add in the pickups, the amp, even the strings and what tuning you use.
I wouldn't worry about it all that much honestly. It's not going to make a huge difference either way. Jeff Loomis is using EMGs (707s) with an ash guitar with an extended 26.5" scale length..... This should be a really bright sounding guitar, but the guitar tones on Nevermore's latest release are pretty warm/bassy sounding. I really don't think an 81 or 81-7 in alder would be too bright... maybe a little brighter than in mahogany, but not significantly... Really, the specific pickup you put in the guitar and the amp you use with it are going to make a much bigger difference. I personally think Lamb of God has terrible guitar tone, but their dark & middy tone comes mostly from the Mesa Mark IV amp they use...
I like alder and ash very much.
Mahogany only if payred with brighter woods or when the body isn't too thick.
IMO the qualiy of the wood is way more important than the type though.
after doing some research Walnut appears to be an extremly optimal tone wood its got pretty much like the lows and mids of mahogany mixed with maples highs in one wich sounds like it be a bit of an advantage in lower tunings as it'll keep its self together