tongue splitting = totally not okay.

rotten liquid insides: when a body decomposes for too long before being embalmed (or is in a fire) the insides turn to a viscous, noxious yellow stinky runny fluid.
Lethe78 said:
Trends are getting weirder and weirder..... *wonders when amputations will be the trend*
While it's not exactly a trend, there is a mental illness which causes some people to feel incomplete unless they have a limb amputated. I forget what the illness is called, however. The most recent case I have heard of was some guy freezing his leg beyond repair so that medical staff had no way of saving it. Once the leg was amputated the man said how he finally felt complete and ever since childhood he felt like an amputee trapped in a non-amputee body.:ill:
that penis thing is horrific. um... wtf. could a penis-splitting defender plz speak up and splain this?

"uh... i never felt complete until i split my penis in half. i always felt like a bifur-dick trapped in a uni-dick's penis"

also... a big fuck you to male to female transexuals and 'vestites. take off the fucking heels asshole, youre not a woman.
possessed said:
While it's not exactly a trend, there is a mental illness which causes some people to feel incomplete unless they have a limb amputated. I forget what the illness is called, however. The most recent case I have heard of was some guy freezing his leg beyond repair so that medical staff had no way of saving it. Once the leg was amputated the man said how he finally felt complete and ever since childhood he felt like an amputee trapped in a non-amputee body.:ill:

I cannot imagine what that must be like. I don't know how I would be able to handle losing any limb.....