Tonight Brat


Dec 15, 2002
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the best show on TV starts back up again & it looks like its gonna be a good one. dont remember them putting out a bad episode anyways. been trying to win the 2nd season on ebay but keep losing by .25 every fucking time. those bastards.
bRaT's not online again. I bet she'll get on about once a week until she has service again.
Cincy Vigilante said:
No you must be mistaken, the best show on TV started on Sunday...The Sopranos
thats the 2nd best show. not every episode is as good as the next but i still like it
Metal Maiden said:
Someone ate his Wheaties. :Smug:
11 months!!!!!!
I couldn't get laid in a whore-house with a fistfull of $100's on a Saturday night!
i couldn't get laid if i was in a whore house full of extasy filled nymphos, with a hand full of 100's and the other with diamonds.not that im proud of that or anything...
Inside Out said:
i couldn't get laid if i was in a whore house full of extasy filled nymphos, with a hand full of 100's and the other with diamonds.not that im proud of that or anything...

Of course you can't. You are too busy holding things in both hands to get undressed, silly.

i dont know about u lot but i love alias,has more action in an hour episode than most movies,great stuff i wonder if the third season will be the last?