Tonight is Hell Night, Devil's Night or The night before Halloween, What R UR plans?


Sep 18, 2006
Los Angeles
I know all the cool parties were last weekend but still, the night before Halloween is special. I am not talking about law breaking activities and getting thrown in jail (most of us are too old anyway) but some fun can still be had.

I'll be a the Rainbow then heading down to the Whiskey to catch the return of DePriest here in Los Angeles. HAPPY HALLOWEEN ALL.
I'm supposed to go to Dark Funeral/Naglfar tonight but I don't think I'll be able to find a way out there. :-(
So I'll probably just sit home and pout. Doing nothing. And lurking on the PP forum. :lol:
what better way to celebrate than spilling some blood?

ok, so i didn't SPILL it, but i did do my october platelet donation....yeay me...helping people...putting my weirdness out there for others to enjoy :headbang:

and i got some nutter butters for my troubles...yum....nutter butters
(what? like i really want to HELP people?! /sarcasm:heh:)
I'll be doing exciting things like working and watching more AMC Monsterfest - then may squeeze some Battlefield 2 time in (yeah, I'm a party animal!).

I can't think of anything more useless than AMC Monsterfest. Horror edited for content and tension broken by commercials. I did used to enjoy TNT Monstervision back in the day. Jo Bob Briggs always made me laugh and would fill in the gaps destroyed by censors while giving interesting production info.