Tons of Sidechaining!


Feb 13, 2011
I was playing around with one of my deathcore songs mixing in different ways.
(I would post it, but deleted it a couple days ago on accident)

I did this....
1. Sidechained Kick and Bass around 60hz
2. Guitar and snare at 200hz
3. toms with bass and guitar at 125hz

....What I realized is that this really made my drums thicken in the mix, without taking too much away from the guitar and bass. I just wanted to know, Does anyone else find themselves Sidechaining the ass out of the hole?
I like to bus the guitar and Bass together with light compression. Then side chain the kick to 70, the snare to 5-7k, I always have plenty if room around 200 for the snare.if I don't then I'll just slice that out. Sounds muddy there anyways. Then I slap a c4 on the bus and compress the area where three Bass low end and guitars low end crossover. Like 100 to 300 I think. Compress that with tons of make up gain to further glue the two.
how do you sidechain at certain frequencies like that? And when you say side chain are you talking about side chain compression?
Cubase and reaper. Sidechain multiband compression. Waves c6 or native plugs in reaper.
Damn i feel pretty lost with this side chaining thingy on specific freqs. Any1 knows a tutorial for doing this in reaper?
it's important to sidechain using very specific attack and release. You don't want it pumping at a slow rate, you want it to react and slide fast. Just enough to duck when the snare, tom and kick snap, (the attack of the stick hitting the head) then have it release out. Just mess with it until it sounds full. Goodluck.