Toontrack Black Friday sale.


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
Starts today, apparently.

Thinking of getting EZMix 2 (since the prices are lowered here in Sweden too).
Worth it?
Maybe getting the Rock EZX as well.

Not sure it's a new deal everyday thing until Friday? Black Friday's an American thing.
I don't know if they will have a new deal everyday (I don't think so though) but Toontrack's webpage says deals are from Wednesday 25th to Tuesday the 1st.

I wouldn't get EZMix 2. The fact that you write in this forum shows that you probably put more effort into mixing (and have more knowledge) than just loading presets to mix ;) (however, that software can come pretty handy in situations such as song writing when you need to get a quick tone to record some ideas).
I have to say, Ezmix is actually really handy to have regardless if you are well versed in mixing everything yourself. You can find some nice FX and whole chains that work nicely on keys/acoustics etc at the very least without killing your CPU with masses of plugins.

I'd recommend the Sneap, Staub, Forrester and Colin expansions ;)
I was considering it for rough ideas, but mostly for what comes with it, isn't there amps, pedals, FX, etc., included?
Not sure how tweakable they are. It's $35 at the moment.
Yup, plenty of guitar amps, bass amps, FX etc. I've never used the dirty amp stuff in anything other than a demo but some of the bass stuff sounds really good.
Looking at the Rock! EZX myself. Haven't heard too much around here if it's good or not. I know it's a repackaged kind of thing, but if it's good then who cares.
I was really hoping for the grand piano or vintage piano EZKeys to go on sale. Been looking for a cheap, quality multilayered piano to use on proggy, Opethian tracks. The Rhodes they have up today is pretty nice, but not for that style :(
Dang. has the Rock! EZX for $19. Probably just gonna go ahead and buy it.
I picked up ROCK! - not the best EZX, but it was dirt cheap!
(Time+Space serial download, pay in Euros, converts in Paypal, comes out to just over 14 bucks).
EZ mix is totally worth $29.

I'm convinced the product is bashed due to some sort of stupid cork sniffery or something. It's no better than any other plugin, feed it shit and it sounds like shit. It's not like it's static presets anyway, there is a small amount of tweak ability with each preset.
I've been looking at videos but I can't seem to find out if there's actually any tweakability beyond the two knobs..
Is there anything beyond that in EZMix 2?

I see people choosing a limiter, reverb, guitar amp, etc. But I don't see if they can bring up the amp or the fx chain.
I've been looking at videos but I can't seem to find out if there's actually any tweakability beyond the two knobs..
Is there anything beyond that in EZMix 2?

I see people choosing a limiter, reverb, guitar amp, etc. But I don't see if they can bring up the amp or the fx chain.
Nope. The two knobs is all you get and what they control are predetermined for you, so they can't be changed. Also, the signal chains are preset and cannot be changed. The only control over a given preset you have is the amount of those two knobs. Yeah, have fun. I got suckered into the cheap price a few years back (even bought the 6-pack bundle too), I never use them now. YMMV
Nope. The two knobs is all you get and what they control are predetermined for you, so they can't be changed. Also, the signal chains are preset and cannot be changed. The only control over a given preset you have is the amount of those two knobs. Yeah, have fun. I got suckered into the cheap price a few years back (even bought the 6-pack bundle too), I never use them now. YMMV

Ah, it's what I feared.
I am still considering it, even though I like to control things myself, so I could get some of the FX..
But I'd probably go crazy that I can't make slight adjustments if a preset is only 99% close to what I want..
Got the Metal! EZX expansion. Not sure if it was part of the BF sale but 53$ is better than 80 $.