TOOT TOOT....excitment!!!


All hail the tardo
Sep 17, 2001
Well last night when i was coming home from church ( iwas in the car with my 2 sisters and 2 guys.).....we heard an alarm going off at a building...and then my sister saaw a man running across the road with some things under his arm.

So we did a U-turn....and he started to run. So then me and the guys jumped out and chased him. He jump over some fence and was trapped in a small yard behind a building. We could hear him in some bushes. The security guard came and went in the place with a torch. And he spotted the the guy made a dash and jumped the fence right next to me.....and swung a punch at my friend ( they other friend being around the other side of the building incase he jumped the other side. ).......and then the criminal ran at me yelling profanitites. He was about my height (but im only 16 and he was like 25 and much bigger build ) i jumpd out of the way. Then he escaped and ran off. meanwhile the police finally came (slow asses) and he had gone......we chased him in car but he was fast and had already hid bvefore we could find him.
BUT HE GOT AWAY.mad: :mad: :mad: close to a citizens arrest.. Oh by the way he was stealing laptops.

Well.....damn the old adrenalin was pumping.....adding alittle excitement to my boring life...

Has anyone else had an experience like this???? PLease tell us of it.
I remember when I was about 3 or 4 years old my mom was outside talking to a neighbor while I was bouncing a tennis ball. All of a sudden, some guy starts running through the neighborhood with a purse. Another guy was chasing after him and asked us which way he went and said that he had stolen some old lady's purse at the nearby grocery store. That is probably my earliest memory of robbery and just something I will always remember.

It's not very similar to your experience because I wasn't chasing the guy, but oh well... :p
When I was four and living in Brooklyn, my mom, bro, and I were at a Burger King and some guy runs in with a shotgun. All the parents in the place pushed their kids under the tables, and the guy starts threatening to shoot people. The manager came out and talked the guy down, who then ran when he heard sirens. PRobably a drug freak. This was in '86.
naw, but it's something that I remember quite clearly for how old I was...probably due to fear! Lets see...I was on Sunset one time coming back from a Testament show with my bro (maybe Jan[?] 2000), and this white pick up stops in front of us at a light. Its 3:00 AM and there is bumper to bumper traffic from all the partiers and club/bar hoppers. This car behind us pulls over on our right and 4 huys get out. The run over to the pick-up and smash the windows with tire-irons. They then drag the passenger through the windown and start punching the driver in his seat. They then dragged him out and started beating him. The passenger stood up and was gesturing to one guy to stop. Now my bro and I were in my car a total of two feet behind the pick-up just freaking out at whats going on. The guy that the passenger is pleading with pulls up his jacket and reaches for the butt of a gun. At this point my bro and dropped behind the dashboard so that only our eyes were above, so we could see. The guy grabs the gun, then the passenger says something to him, and he lets go of the gun, punches him and leaves. The other three guys beat the driver for anoth 15-20 seconds and run off as well. The driver and passenger jump back in the truck and peel offf on the wrong side of the road. That was scary and intense!
:eek: I bet it was scary and intense. I have never directly seen anything like that. I don't get out enough to witness anything like that. I have also lived in smaller towns most of my life. I guess being secluded has its advantages sometimes, but seeing something like that will definitely open your eyes to what goes on in our country.
At the house my mom and I lived in a year ago. My friend and I were sitting around and my mom was gone. It was about 9:00 at night or so and we were talking about how we wished something exciting would happen*. The doorknob started rattling and we figured it was my mom. So I went over and unlocked the door so she could get in*. Next thing I know this obviosuly NON-femal hand reaches in and tried to push open the door. My staff was right next to the door so I panicked and started beating the guys hand with it. He yelled "FUCK!!!!!!" and ran off. Lucy (my friend) called the police and they arrived at around the time my mom got home. She ran in freaking out half expecting to find us dead or something. And the police said that the house had been broken into many times before when the previous tenants lived there. They said they think that the people who lived there owed someone some money or something. A few times before that I'd come home from school to find a tiny hole in the wall in front of the door. It was like someone had come in and poked the wall or something. We got the lock changed and the problem stopped.

*I learned two things:
1.)Be careful what you wish for and
2.)Always check the peep-hole before you unlock the door.