
Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I don't think there are too many major releases on the horizon through the end of the year.

May as well start your top 10.

Here is mine in alphabetical particular order:

Black Sabbath 13
Almost forgot this came out!
This was a damn fine release that I discover something new with upon each repeated listening. Many wouldn't give it the time of day due to Ward's absence. This was a great album and great tour!

Blazon Stone Return to Port Royal
I simply can't get enough of this. I just picked this up at Alehorn, but probably have listened to it a dozen times already. FUN FUN FUN!!!
A must for any Running Wild fan.

Borrowed Time Borrowed Time
Finally a full length from JP and the boys! Unfortunately, the "boys" keep changing but JP carries on with a VERY daring release. This is very unlike most BT material previously heard. Took a while to sink in for me. Very brave release which I think will stand the test of time well.

Helloween Straight Out Of Hell
While not their best album in recent years, it is still solid, and being a top 10 all time band for me, any release of theirs will automatically hold a spot in my top 10. Still many great tunes. For some reason, when listening to this straight through it kind of goes on forever. Ha!

High Spirits 2013 Demo
Yes!!! As much as a love the happy - feely High Spirits as much as the next guy, musically Chris dug a lot deeper on this. I hear some hints of UFO on this release. Really makes me look forward to future releases. Unlike others, I was not extremely as blown away by "Another Night" as I was their demo material.

Manilla Road Mysterium
There is no stopping the Road!!! As most of us saw a week ago, this is a recharged band and they are on fire. This is probably their best lineup in a very long time. This album illustrates that they have been performing more regularly. So many epic gems!!!

Motorhead Aftershock
As I have stated before, I really like that Lemmy and the boys brought some Woogie back to their Boogie on various tracks. Beginning to end, this is my fav release of theirs since Inferno.

Running Wild Resilient
Yes, as we all heard on Shadowmaker, Rolf lost some of the speed and energy we love from him. Still though, as I listen to this more, this really comes off as a solid steady rocker that is an easy listen.

Trouble The Distortion Field
You all have read my praises for this when it first came out. They all still hold true today. This thing is such a solid hard rocker it isn't even funny. Sure, some of the naysayers cry it isn't metal enough for them. No issues here. If you were expecting Psalm 9 or the Skull, well, ummmm....go see the Skull!!!! And I mean that literally, go see the SKull. They do a great job. I you like 90's Trouble, then you should NOT pass this up!

Warlord The Holy Empire
Ok, so this is a bit of a departure from the classic Warlord sound, which turned off a lot of people. I fully admit to not being extremely familiar with all their classic material. Maybe that is why I listen to this with different ears? Anyhow, this is an amazing epic metal gem to me. The song "Glory" is one of my favorites of 2013.
I didn't get a lot of "new" albums this year, so my list is only 8 (updated after reading Lee's list):

Beelzefuzz - S/T
Argus - Beyond The Martyrs
Trouble - The Distortion Field
Black Sabbath - 13
Victor Griffin's In-Graved - S/T
The Gates of Slumber - Stormcrow
Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart
Stone Magnum - From Time... To Eternity told me last week you didnt like the Borrowed Time disc?

mine would be....

Voivod - Target Earth

Crying Steel - Time Stands Steel

Borrowed Time - self titled

High Spirits - 2013 Demo

Night Demon - EP

Volture - On the Edge

Helloween - Straight out of Hell

Sign of the Jackal - Mark of the Beast

Axxion - Wild Racer

I am sure there is more but I don't feel like digging through CD's right now. There was a lot of let downs for me...Cauldron, Enforcer, Gama Bomb and stuff were too much of the same this time around and lacked the punch their past albums had.
2013 ain't over yet and I'm still waiting for a few releases in the mail but so far I've enjoyed the following:

Atlantean Kodex - The White Goddess
Solstice - Death's Crown EP
Zemial - Nykta
Procession - The Reap the Heavens Apart
Eternal Champion - Last King of Pictdom demo
Naer Mataron - [Some racist Greek bullshit]
Darkthrone - The Undergrund Resistance
Inquisition - Obscure Verses
Magister Templi - Lucifer Leviathan Logos
Magic Circle - S/T
Carcass - Surgical Steel
Ravensire - We March Forward
Satan - Life Sentence
Borrowed Time - S/T
Voltax - Hiding Into Flames
Enforcer - Death by Fire

There was a lot of other stuff I dig but for sure won't make a top list. I'll narrow down and go into more detail later on.
1. Carcass - Surgical Steel
2. Queensryche - s/t

Both of these are incredible comeback records for each band and just knock you on your ass from start to finish.

3. Volbeat - Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies
4. Ashes of Ares - s/t (welcome back Matt Barlow!)
5. Pamela Moore - Resurrect Me (Sister Mary throwing down a metal recor written by Chicago's own Michael Posch-ex Radakka)
6. Soilwork - The Living Infinite
7. Witherscape - The Inheritance (Dan Swano!)
8. The Resistance - Scars
9. Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
10. Dark Tranquillity - Construct
Suffocation - As Grace Descends
Autopsy - The Headless Ritual
Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
Satan - Life Sentence
Inquisition - Obscure Verses
Hatchet - Dawn of the End
Toxic Holocaust - Chemistry of Consciousness
Skeletonwitch - Serpents Unleashed
Magic Circle - S/T
Carcass - Surgical Steel
but literally you were picking it apart last week to me. odd that in a few days you change you mind on it.

Yes, I have picked it apart to pieces actually.
And if you are just trying to be your normal self trying to start crap, contact JP as he knows all my thoughts on the release as well.

It's still a good release, just a drastic departure for the band which took time to get used to.

Now what I have to think is if I need to change mine to include STORMCROW.

Previously my #11 would have been TARGET EARTH as that is a damn fine release.
Yes, I have picked it apart to pieces actually.
And if you are just trying to be your normal self trying to start crap, contact JP as he knows all my thoughts on the release as well.

It's still a good release, just a drastic departure for the band which took time to get used to.

Now what I have to think is if I need to change mine to include STORMCROW.

Previously my #11 would have been TARGET EARTH as that is a damn fine release.

no, it was just odd that you picked it.

the Voivod was one of my surprises this year for me. I didnt expect it to be that good.
The Borrowed Time full length is an album that takes a lot of risks. Which is exactly why it's great. I haven't heard an album in the "heavy metal genre" so drenched in mysticism and personality from a modern band since... Well, Atlantean Kodex I suppose. But it's totally different. It's the kind of album that sounds strangely cobbled together at first listen and doesn't do anything particularly "new" within the genre. However, those strange elements, the curveballs, twists and turns (steeped in JP's bizarre vocal stylings) are what makes it stand out amongst the rest. You can tell that these guys are true metal fanatics, but have managed to internalize their influences instead of ripping them off. It's melodic and filled with catchy moments, yet the antithesis of poppy. It's artsy, yet metal to the core.

Fuck you, it's Borrowed Time.
I have a lot to catch up on, so this may change drastically.

1. Paradox - Tales of the Weird
2. Ghost - Infestissumam
3. Noctum - Final Sacrifice
4. Trouble - The Distortion Field
5. Gorguts - Colored Sands
6. Nomad Son - Darkening
7. Motorhead - Aftershock
8. Stratovarius - Nemesis
9. Age of Taurus - Desperate Souls of Tortured Times
10. Voivod - Target Earth
the same day actually...I remember when Jason didnt get one because some guy was in the store and took the Helloween I think.

Yes!! Which led me to yell "FUCK" really loud in the aisle of Best Buy.
I literally walked down the aisle and saw this guy pick it up.
Good times!!!!

I consistently listened to Helloween throughout the year which is why it made my top 10. Knowing I was going to see them live this year is what also kept it in my regular rotation.

If VoiVod toured this year, there is a good chance I would have spun it more.
Not something I would have expected on your list.

I liked Polaris, but Elysium was only so-so.
As much as I like Strato, they joined the club of "Bands I don't need new releases by"

I'm not terribly familiar with Strato besides Visions, but I really liked this release. Probably my favorite power metal album of the year. I know that's blasphemy when Helloween had one. The problem with the new Helloween is I loved it initially because there were some fantastic songs but as I listened more to it, there was a significant chunk of filler. That's my issue with it; though it si much better than the previous one.