Question: why so many lackluster releases?

Well, but playing more shows should help them improve as a band.
If not, they will fade away.
It could simply also be that you just don't like them.

For example, you mentioned your hatred for Smash Potater here many times.
Bottom line is they keep getting bigger and better shows.
They were invited to play WOM.
So bottom line is, regardless of what Armchair Bob thinks, they are doing well.
If you dont like them, dont see them.

I mean, there are plenty of local bands that you may like that someone else will think isn't that speacial.

The last thing I will say on this is that as much as technology has enabled bands to record and get to the stage quicker, I don't think bands who just suck is nothing new.

they were not invited...they asked and were booked. Why do you think they are getting bigger because they are getting better? No, they just bring freinds to shows, so basically anyone who is putting on a show that needs people there would book them.
@ Element Man - Yep, exactly. It's all been done before. Hard to be original in this genre. When I want twist and originality, I don't seek out traditional metal or traditional doom. For me, I find this most in the death / doom, or dark metal, scene. Though when all is said and done, I seem to resort to the classics anyhow.

@ Bob - Once again, it comes down to YOUR opinion. I haven't heard people in masses go around saying, "Hot damn, that Smash Potater sucks. They play too many shows" like people have in the past with other bands. Furthermore, how many shows have you gone to where is this is really a problem?
I don't agree at all about how some band you don't care about anyhow releasing a bad EP would overshadow a good release.

The more bands there are, the harder it is for any single one to get attention. Imagine if half the bands in the world broke up today. The people in those bands wouldn't have to spend money on gear, recording time, or pay to play anymore. They could spend that money on albums and concert tickets. The fans wouldn't be as overburdened with bands to check out. The bands that would still be around would be able to have a bit more success. These are all good things, I think.

By the way, this thread is great.
LOL - so in other words bands should start, and after 1 show or practice if they suck should be forced to retire???????
Are you guys seriously suggesting that if the bands you feel are not worthy broke up they would spend more on bands that are good?

Keep the ideas flowing guys!!!!! I will get the popcorn....
LOL - so in other words bands should start, and after 1 show or practice if they suck should be forced to retire???????
Are you guys seriously suggesting that if the bands you feel are not worthy broke up they would spend more on bands that are good?

Keep the ideas flowing guys!!!!! I will get the popcorn....

There's nothing too crazy about that idea. Execution is impossible but in theory, yeah, it'd work. Personally if I didn't have student loans or electric bills or rent to worry about, I'd spend more on music. Similarly, if someone in a band didn't have the band expenses, that money would go somewhere else, whether it's to other bands, a savings account, or food.
I am just saying bands need to work on thier craft and become a better unit and then worry about shows and records. All it does is fill up the metal scene with more junk. People say....oh you are just being sentimetal with the older stuff. No, those albums lasted the test of time because they were well written and good. Sure there was lots of crap back then as well but it was harder to get released than the stuff now.

I would like to see more bands practicing more and concentrating on good songs and substance then playing shows. When I see a national act coming through they should have bands who deserve to be up there and can put on a performance and not just a bunch of yokels who know a few songs and then play crappy and waste everyones time.

I also blame promoters. They need to weed out bands like this and keep booking more bands on a high tier locally. If you want to be a band who is a garage type band...stick to small places. Kind of like the have to work to get to the big leagues.
I also blame promoters. They need to weed out bands like this and keep booking more bands on a high tier locally. If you want to be a band who is a garage type band...stick to small places. Kind of like the have to work to get to the big leagues.

This I do agree with.
Locally we have seen this with Pearl Room and MoJoes.

I know Mpshows, for example, has bands play their smaller clubs before playing Reggies or Bottom Lounge.

Playing devil's advocate, how can you not see the promoter's stance?
These larger venues aren't booking touring metal because they are trying to keep the local metal scene alive. To them, its all about the headliners. They couldnt care less if Smash Potater or Trouble were opening for a national. They just look at the local band as someone who locally will help promote the show. There then is incentive for the band to help promote. It gets advanced tickets sold, and less worry about what the walk up turnout would be..

I guess it's easy for me to say as I supported many nationals, but in a tribute band. We were more than ready to go by the time we played places like MoJoes. We did play with MANY bands though who I agree were not ready for the gigs they played.

I seriously think your biggest issue then has to be with the promoter.
I mean, seriously? How many bands would turn down such opportunities?
LOL - so in other words bands should start, and after 1 show or practice if they suck should be forced to retire???????
Are you guys seriously suggesting that if the bands you feel are not worthy broke up they would spend more on bands that are good?

Keep the ideas flowing guys!!!!! I will get the popcorn....

Oh man, I wish I had that kind of power! I'd use it on way more than half the bands in the world, that's for sure!

Seriously though, if a band quits, why wouldn't they spend more on other bands? You told me you don't go to nearly as many shows as you did before you joined Ghost in the Ruins.
Yeah, that is certainly true.
When you are more active in a band, you have less desire to go out to shows.
I wouldn't say though it decreased my desire to buy new music.
For me that's always been economics.

Ok - You guys now have a task. What do we make bands do?
Do you have to pass an aptitude test and receive a License before you are able to play a show?? :)
Yeah, that is certainly true.
When you are more active in a band, you have less desire to go out to shows.
I wouldn't say though it decreased my desire to buy new music.
For me that's always been economics.

Ok - You guys now have a task. What do we make bands do?
Do you have to pass an aptitude test and receive a License before you are able to play a show?? :)

I am all for that. They should bring back try outs for bands at shows.
When did they have "try outs" for bands to play shows?
I have never heard of it.

Now back in the 90s, I always had to submit a demo tape prior to getting gigs.
Maybe this could be a first step towards your proposition.
When did they have "try outs" for bands to play shows?
I have never heard of it.

Now back in the 90s, I always had to submit a demo tape prior to getting gigs.
Maybe this could be a first step towards your proposition.

havent you seen any movies and tv shows from the 80's.....all bands has try outs dummy. jezz.
Try outs to play an underground show?????

Are you like talking about when Uncle Jessie from Full House had the "Smash Club" and that band that had the boy that DJ liked had to "try out" to play a gig???

In all seriousness, there have never been "try outs" for playing an underground metal or punk show, at least not in the Chicagoland area that I have ever heard of.
Try outs to play an underground show?????

Are you like talking about when Uncle Jessie from Full House had the "Smash Club" and that band that had the boy that DJ liked had to "try out" to play a gig???

In all seriousness, there have never been "try outs" for playing an underground metal or punk show, at least not in the Chicagoland area that I have ever heard of.

It seems like you got the joke and also missed the joke.

this really boils down to the guy putting the show together in the end. If he wants to gamble on unexperienced bands or not.