Albums Without Filler


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Many of the great bands have forgettable songs on great albums. Rush often recorded awesome songs and then filling the rest of the albums with songs like "I Think I'm Going Bald" and "Cinderella Man". Kiss almost made a career out of it. Maiden are as guilty as any band in doing this.

So, what are some albums which you don't think have *any* filler material, where every track is great? Live albums don't count.

For me:

GNR - "Appetite For Destruction"
Yes - "The Yes Album"
Dream Theater - "Images & Words"
Rush - "Moving Pictures"
In Flames - "Whoracle"

Any others?
Originally posted by Spiff
Maiden are as guilty as any band in doing this.

Not true these days.

Instead, Maiden will insert about 6 minutes of filler into a completed 4 minute rocker in a vain attempt to create an epic. :(
:lol: True Sydo, except about My Michelle, great song that one :)

Skid Row - Slave To The Grind - Metally goodness all the way through with a liquid centre. Mmmmmmmmm Slave To The Grind.

Slayer - Reign In Blood - Its a bit hard to have filler when the albums only 27 minutes long and all the songs sound the same, thus if one song is good so are the rest.

Bon Jovi - New Jersey and Slippery When Wet - Classics! :mad: :D
[color=#AOEOOA]Anthrax - Persistance Of Time - Top album all the way through.

Anthrax - Volume 8: The Threat is Real.
Is virtually filler free, except for the 2small 30min tracks which some people cant put up with.

Corrosion Of Conformity - America's Volume Dealer.
If you don't mind 13 Angel's it's a damn fine album.

Megadeth - So Far So Good So What.
Now that's one filler free album.

Megadeth - Rust In Peace
(if you don't count the two minutes of Dawn Patrol)

Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World.

Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime. I guess if you were looking for music then you'd dismiss a few tracks, but as a story and a whole album it's without filler.

Symphony X - V: The New Mythology Suite.

I guess I would have put DT's Scenes From A Memory if sometimes it wasn't so long, I get bored occassionally.[/color]
Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane

Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element

Pain of salvation - Entropia

3 of the best concept albums ever. No filler, all killer!!

Dream Theater - SFAM, Images and Words

Queesryche - Op Mindcrime

Deep Purple - In Rock
:lol: :lol:

Prog fans... *teehee* ;)

Iced Earth - Night Of The Stormrider would come close. In fact I think it has arrived.

I certainly shall, ill listen to it when I get home. From the parts I have heard so far, its quite a good album too :)
My Michelle isn't that bad !
its a heaps better than all the crap on the illusions albums
those 2 albums should have been 1 with all the shit songs removed
Originally posted by Gavin
My Michelle isn't that bad !

It's the only song on the album I seem to skip. Maybe if I actually listened to it I may like it.
I think you should!

Your daddy works in porno, now that mummies not around! :lol: Lyrics for the ages really...
I think Appetite has some filler, but I don't think My Michelle is filler I love that one.

Here are some albums I think are totally free of filler:

Dokken - Back For The Attack (the only song I don't care for was the lead single Burnin' Like A Flame so its hardly filler, just don't like the "feel" of the song)
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Vinnie Vincent Invasion - Vinnie Vincent Invasion (you knew I'd say this one though)
Skid Row - Skid Row
Skid Row - Slave To The Grind
Alice Cooper - Trash (I don't like Only My Heart Talkin' but I wouldn't call it filler I just don't like it, same deal as with the Dokken example)
W.A.S.P. - W.A.S.P.

Warrant - Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Rich would come close too. My favourite songs on that album are actually the 4 which didn't make the best of, "Ridin High", "Cold Sweat", "In The Sticks" and "So Damn Pretty (Should Be Against The Law)", which kinda means there isn't filler coz the other 6 are notable or "classic" Warrant tracks. However I really hate the first track on the album and think it's boring and it is filler in my opinion. How it made the best of I don't know... it sucks and is crap.
Make your mommy and daddy say,

:lol: :lol:

That's a filler if there ever was one - but a good filler.
That's one of my fave tracks on the album :grin:

The vocal melody in the chorus RULES.

"Those tears that you cry are like blood staaaaaaains, they fall to the ground like a sweet rain"