Alehorn of Power 2012..who's going?

Not me.....
I would if I were in town.

Only band I would want to see is the Skull who I saw last month.
It's a must see for any Troublehead or doom dog!

Bob - Luckily for you there are many escape routes at Reggies!! :)
really good turnout. The sound girl was the best I have heard at Reggies. She knew her stuff and every band sounded perfect. Free beer from 8 till 9 from 3 Floyds. Lets just say there were a lot of drunks by the end of the night.

Obling Box -they opened really good stuff. deathish vocals with a heavy traditional sound. Not just your typical death band. Lots of great leads and stuff.

Borrowed Time - fantastic. Crowd loved them. they only did 4 songs due to thier drummer not being thier so they had a fill in guy who was in the band a while back so they only did the 4 songs.

Bible of the Devil - went outside. cant stand this band.

The Skull - sucked. I dont like doom. They bored the hell out of me. Played for an hour. lots of people liked them. Lots didnt. About halfway through thier set people started thinning out. It was getting late as well.

Dawnbringer - holy smokes. they were tight as hell. Played a wide variety of stuff. It was great....they just played and no chit chat or stuff. more bands need to do this.

set list
You Know Me
There and Back
Under No Flag
... The Snitch
The Man Who Could Not Die
Beggars and Children
Night of the Sinner
Old Wizard
Endless Guilt
No Answer
So Much For Sleep
The Day the Deaf Went Blind

The show got out around 1:50.

Steel and Fire Records had lots of great stuff. Wish more distros came to shows and sold stuff. It was a fun night. Lots of familiar faces and stuff.
Really wish I could've gone. That setlist for Dawnbringer is awesome. Hopefully I'll be able to catch them at a different time. I unfortunately had a prior commitment. Maybe next year I'll make my first trek to Alehorn.