Top 20 for the 2000's?

I couldnt get into it at first either, but then my mom got into it and played the shit out of it ... I have absolutely loved it since ... its a very odd and mature album :)

I'm thinking this is the case with everything Fates since Perfect Symmetry and by the time FWX came around I'd heard it and already had my favorites by them and FWX is not as good to my ears. Something, and I just dont get it, I should love that recording...
I couldnt get into it at first either, but then my mom got into it and played the shit out of it ... I have absolutely loved it since ... its a very odd and mature album :)

FWX has a few solid tracks, but too many tepid, unremarkable ones to make it on par with rest of Fates catalog
It doesn't have quite the sonic majesty of NE - IO period, that's for sure. A couple songs were pretty good though - particularly the 3 from Live in Athens.

I have problems with No Exit back, I think that stuff was too rad for me. NE was Alder trying to be Arch and while I recognize Archs abilities I DO NOT get his melodic or rhythmic presentation. He was my former vocalist and bass players #1 but I never got it, he only gelled with me on few rare moments. Sadly this good friend of mines voice was more in line with Tate but he tried to sing to often like Arch and it just didnt work for him. His Dio influence worked well with his voice too and he did at least use that. Were he still alive and working on this project with us I would be pushing Tate out of his chest.

APSOG and Disconnected rule, when your in that deep mood... which is really deep... almost painfull

FWX has a few solid tracks, but too many tepid, unremarkable ones to make it on par with rest of Fates catalog

I think you nailed it, I need to paly it more but never seem inspired to do so. I think I played it less than 6 times since I bought it.
Oh I love it, everything about Alder Fates... when Im in the mood, all that Fates stuff connected with me on a personal level. Much of it was almost my story of a lost 80's relationship that was never resolved for either of us, other things got in the way. I have been to that place where the mood of that music comes from... its why I said painful. The band always freaked me out, it was as if they were writting the story of my personal life... and their name was "Fates Warning"... really freaked me out. Are your APSOG songs IV, VI or XII ? They are my favs but I play everything from Symmetry on in their entirety, but when I do Im going to a bad place.
Oh I love it, everything about Alder Fates... when Im in the mood, all that Fates stuff connected with me on a personal level. Much of it was almost my story of a lost 80's relationship that was never resolved for either of us, other things got in the way. I have been to that place where the mood of that music comes from... its why I said painful. The band always freaked me out, it was as if they were writting the story of my personal life... and their name was "Fates Warning"... really freaked me out. Are your APSOG songs IV, VI or XII ? They are my favs but I play everything from Symmetry on in their entirety, but when I do Im going to a bad place.

Part 3 and 11.
I'm a big Alder-era fan too, but I do like No Exit. I listened to APSOG for a year straight when it came out but I do not like it as much as I used to, especially the middle of the album (tracks 6-8 maybe?). I love the beginning and the end of the album, but the whole "let nothing bleed into nothing" drives me nuts now. lol. Big fan of Parts IX and XII!

Perfect Symmetry is my favorite FW album.
The other guitar player in the band we had back then turned me on to Symmetry and it was the damndest music I ever heard, so different, the tape got to the end and I had to listen again and again, something just clicked. Am I wrong in thinking there is no other band out there that sounds anything like them ? I think Matheos was truely origional with this style, 20 years is long in the tooth, but its his thing. Just not the kind of stuff you listen to when you want to rock. I think they were my Pink Floyd replacement.
I've decided you guys are all dunces because you get not 5, not 10, but 20 picks, and not one person mentioned a single Deathspell Omega album.
I couldn't agree more. I love Alder era FW, especially from the Perfect Symmetry - Inside Out era, but APSOG is an absolute snooze fest. It is not "horrible" but just rather boring.


Aside from 2 songs, APSOG does little for me. Disconnected was pretty good. The guitar tone was utterly awful on that record tho. So sludgy and just, bleh!
Those that cant connect with A Pleasent Shade of Gray should feel fortunante, because that is what they are. Its an emotion or mood one could only wish on their enemies.
Do you like Mindcrime and Empire from Ryche? If so, I can't imagine how you wouldn't like Parallels as it's basically a combination of the two, with the same production values.

Mindcrime yes, Empire was the beginning of the end for QR. I had Parallels, and it went off to the big used cd bin in the sky.
It's not easy to pattern what I would like listening to. :)
Mindcrime yes, Empire was the beginning of the end for QR. I had Parallels, and it went off to the big used cd bin in the sky.
It's not easy to pattern what I would like listening to. :)

oh man... Parallels is probably one of my Top 10 of all cds.