top 20 metal guitarists

Ok...not listing 20, too bored. Especially since pure technical skill is boring as fuck.

Chuck Schuldiner, who is pretty much one of the most amazing dudes ever.
And then some narcissistic neoclassical shit like Michaelangelo Batio
I'll agree with WeAreInFlames, pure technical skill only is boring. I won't bother listing 20 either, I'll list... 1.

Denis D'Amour, a.k.a. Piggy, former Voivod guitarist (may he R.I.P.) One of the most underrated guitarists ever, with a unique style. Not sure about his technical skill, but fuck that.
If we gonna talk non-technical...
I still say Chuck Schuldiner. But I also wanna say Quorthon. He's pretty underrated - his leads fit the songs extremely well. Also, he wrote like 12 full albums, which is badass.
Also, Jari Maenpaa (Wintersun) fucking RIPS.
Dude from Elvenking is a beast, also.
Ishaan (Emperor) is also extremely good - the music is far more complicated than one would expect, yet he does it and vocals at the same time. And his solos on Prometheus involve some beastly shredding.

But in terms of absolute technical skill, neoclassical shred guys who not only sound the same and play the same guitars but also look the same.
Petrucci...i dunno. He's amazing, technically. But I feel like his playing lacks feeling.
How about listing your top 10:cool:

Yes, I would definitely put Chuck Schuldiner on this list along with Euronymous. He played some awesome guitar as well. Maybe Dimebag, Gus G, Akira Takasaki, ......................:headbang:

Hell, I don't know this is a very subjective topic. As long as they can play and keep my interest. Yeah, even the technical/neo-classical guitarists like Michael Romeo, Timo Tolkki. etc.
I would put dime on there ,miyavi(even tho hes the biggest fag) Euronymous.
paul allender, alexi laiho piggy.
karl fucking sanders.
No particular order

James Murphy
Alexi Laiho
Alex Skolnick
Trey Azagthoth
Mikael Åkerfeldt
Chuck Schuldiner
Adrian Smith
Jim Matheos
I can't think of 10 right now :p.. I can remember one, Alexi Laiho.. He's fast, but sertantly knows how to make a melodic solo too. I don't like those who are just playing fast. It's cool, like Michael Angelo, but not if you always plays that fast;).
I'm a huge Jari Maenpaa fan, he's probably my favorite guitarist. John Petrucci, Isahn, Luca Turilli, Michael Romeo, Kiko Lourero (SP?) the guitarist of Kiuas, and many tech death guitarists. Oh, Gus G. as well.

In addition, the new guitarist for Sonata Arctica is the best live guitarist I've ever seen in my life.