Top 3 things you DON'T love about being an audio engineer

+FUCKING 1. When people are behind you and put an arm on your chair or something... like jesus christ, if you really think you can follow what I'm doing fast enough to make sense of what's going on on the screen, then more power to you... but come on, I have a 27" monitor. Sit the fuck back.

its so god damn annoying
one more: chewing gum. Motherfuckers always glue it to the walls, to the floor, underneath tables and already glued a chewed one INSIDE THE HEADSHELL OF THE RECTO on the studio I work on. I wanted to kill the motherfucker.
Oh god here we go

1: Dudes in the band that have no earthly idea what they are talking about telling me to turn this track up more and more and more and more until my mix sounds like complete ass.

2: Dudes that demand I add a ton of retarded "cant play live" shit in the mix. (Bass drops, digital glitch effects, more bass drops, epic synth, bass drops and some bass drops... etc.) They always want like 50000 bass drops in every song and i just want to strangle them all!!! AHHHH!!!!! lol phew i feel better.

3: After adding all this stupid crap and giving them the final mix. Which sounds alot like cooking bacon because ive turned the guitars up 327098237429 db and trebled the shit out of them because the hovering, retarded guitar player had to make sure his rockin solo cut through. Then every 30 seconds it sounds like mortars are going off because the drummer sat there with me and made sure the bass drops were loud enough to ignite my monitors and burn down my house. THEN! they start complaining and talking shit about the recording they received to all their little buddies as IT WAS ME, who fucked it up. Then it comes full circle and i have to hear it.... >.>

This^ makes ma blood boil lol
getting blamed for a shitty band's performance. "Hey, did you master our track? because our stuff doesn't sound like x band you recorded." no lie I got that shit, and didn't even respond.

Band's that have a member write everything out on guitar pro and decide the whole band knows the song well enough.

Endless takes, they just kill the creativity of everything and make me really fucking tired.

1. Divas. The vocalists who drink milk because they think a gummed up throat makes em more brutal, then hocks their loogies all over the fraggin mic. The guitarists who show up late and compare themselves to better musicians for the ego boost. Those a-holes.

2. Cuttin n' pastin'. ESPECIALLY bad guitar takes.

3. Playing the damn instrument full volume while I'm just running the cable to the mic.
1. Bad vocalists, because you can't replay their parts when they leave if they suck :lol:

2. Unprepared musicians, but this has been beaten to death.

3. Editing.