Top 5 long songs / short songs

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
What would be your top 5 long songs and top 5 shortm, fast songs

Remember you have to do both:p


1. The Oddesey
2. DWoT
3. Awakenings
4. Through the looking glass
5. Acolade (1&2)


1. Eyes of Medusa
2. Wicked
3. Sea of Lies
4. Fallen
5. Inferno

Ok then Bye Bye:wave::wave:
Long songs = over 10 minutes?

oh well...

1. Divine Wings of Tragedy
2. Rediscovery part 2
3. Accolade (close enough to 10 minutes)
4. Through the Looking Glass
5. Odyssey

1. Sea of Lies
2. In the Dragon's Den
3. Out of the Ashes
4. Eyes of Medusa
5. Inferno

1. The Odyssey
2. The Edge of Forever
3. The Accolade I/II
4. Communion and the Oracle
5. Candlelight Fantasia


1. Inferno (Unleash the Fire)
2. The Damnation Game
3. Of Sins and Shadows
4. Wicked
5. Evolution

(Mr. Shred-ididle, you sure have nothing better to do than make up new threads, do you?)
Epics: I'm doin longer than 8 minutes
Rediscovery Pt 2
Divine Wings of Tragedy
Through the Looking Glass
Awakenings (that's 8 minutes right?)

Of Sins and Shadows
Sea of Lies
A Fool's Paradise
Long (more than 8 minutes)
Rediscovery part 2
The Edge Of Forever
The Odyssey

Dressed To Kill
Smoke And Mirrors
The Relic
A Fool's Paradise
Well, I could make a list... but it would be about the same as anyone else's. So instead, I'll make a list of my top 5 epics from any band. But only one from each band.

1. The Odyssey - Symphony X
2. And Then There Was Silence (I love Homer :) ) - Blind Guardian
3. Test of Wills - Power of Omens
4. Change of Seasons - Dream Theater
5. When the Water Breaks - Liquid Tension Experiment (they're not quite DT :p )

I can't do short songs, there's too many. Just using Symphony X, I'd have to list around 20.
Oh shit, my tastes have changed again.
I am getting really into the heavy side of syx and my top 5 short songs list has changed.

1. Eyes of Medusa
2. Inferno
3. King of Terrors
4. Sea of Lies
5. Fallen

I know no-one gives a shit, but i thought i'll piont it out.
I'll do the same as Friend of Moloch and not mention shorties as there are too many:


Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons (fave song ever)
Dream Theater - Scarred
Dream Theater - Learning to Live
Symphony X - The Accolade
Symphony X - Rediscovery Part II

This is too tough.......
Long songs:
Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno
Symphony X - The Accolade
Symphony X - The Odyssey
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silence