Top 5 songs on my listen-to profile:


1. Teenage Wristband
2. St Gregory
3. Martin Eden
4. Annihilation of the Centuries
5. Love Lost in a Hail of Gunfire

Of course, the top 3 are The Twilight Singers, the fourth is industrial black metal band Rain and the last is metalcore band Bleeding Through.
haha, okay, so, I rounded up all the stray mp3s on my computer and put them in one folder (it's my work computer, so it doesn't have any of my filesharing zillions of gigs of mp3s, but only the ones people have sent me like "here listen!" and the like).

but since i listen through windows media player, and also watch movies on wmp, i snagged a couple of movie clips i had lying around in the roundup. i weeded the ones i saw out, highlighted the block of mp3s, and played them all to make a nice random shuffle mix.

apparently i missed one. because in between a belle and sebastian song and a trail of dead song, there's suddenly a couple of moments of silence, and then a girl shriek of "What are you doing?" that I couldn't place.

so i checked the wmp track list and nestled between mp3s is something called "freddy.avi" i forgot i still had. heehee!
Steve is even
ing at in-jokes he doesn't get now!
Hey Luminous- check out Menomena - I Am The Blame Monster. At first glance it's simple indie rock, but that's pretty deceptive. They use a ton of strange instrumentation and go all over a few genres like indie, jazz, soul, trip hop, etc. It's damn good, possibly one of my favorites of 2003.
In addition to writing for metalreview? Cause an outlet for my non-metal musical obsessions would be nice...

How much writing would be expected?