Top 5 songs on my listen-to profile:

IanDork107 said:
In addition to writing for metalreview? Cause an outlet for my non-metal musical obsessions would be nice...

How much writing would be expected?

as much as you want really... you request what you want to review off of a list of promo's we get in.

and if you want to review stuff you have paid for... that's cool too.

(alex is right, not too much... that guy hasn't done shit in months. yet his name is still on it.)
i'm also party to that slacking part.

although my goal for tonight = FINISH CURSIVE INTERVIEW.

(also jake: made contact with Riddle of Steel to set up interview for probably next thursday night when they play out; will also try and do Ring, Cicada sometime this month.)
deadair said:
as much as you want really... you request what you want to review off of a list of promo's we get in.

and if you want to review stuff you have paid for... that's cool too.

(alex is right, not too much... that guy hasn't done shit in months. yet his name is still on it.)
That definitely sounds cool to me, I generally do two a week for metalreview and I've been getting far more indie stuff lately than metal so I'd imagine on average one or two a week would be no problem. Talk to me on AIM sometime if you wanna let me know how everything works...same SN as here.
Pitcher of Summer is probably my favorite on the album, the ID3 tag is just fucked up and listen-to doesn't recognise it.

Yeah I'm too lazy to change it.
It doesn't understand the concept of skipping songs. Once a song registers as being played about 1 minute into the track, the entire track time is added, whether or not you skip it after that.