Top 5 ways to tell someone is a metalhead at first glance


The Pain and The Darkness
Aug 11, 2002
Willits, CA
Everyone make up your own... not to be taken seriously

Here's my 5

Bad posture
Leather (yeah baby)
Active only at night
The frequent words "that's cool" and "man" (or "dood" for the stoner rockers)
and finally...
hairy palms (we all know we wank too much) :D
an ideal black metaler by glance

eyes - evil, yet, have feeling in them

stance - noble, tall, ravish(not always in that good way though)

doesn't look directly at you. .

ingnorant pig (the men)
ladies are more genuine (?) eh. lol :)

Stays in the dark areas.
1) Constant smell of marijuana around
2) Scary looking images or vile words on t-shirt
3) Red Bloodshot eyes
4) Attitude needs adjusting
5) covered in satanic tattoos
1 long greasy hair
2 beer can in the hand
3 other beer cans standing around
4 walks like a lumberjack (like a drunken one probably...)
5 some metal shirt or whatnot (em yeah bla, had to make up a fifth ;))
1. Runs around with goat heads chasing people and screaming "SUCCUMB TO SATAN!!!!!" :devil:
2. has entrails of a virgins cunt dripping from mouth :yow:
3. Suddenly from out of nowhere jumps up and starts playing air guitar... which you can hear perfectly clear for some reason :headbang:
4. has every finger viscerally removed but the pointer finger and pinky :headbang:
5. Brings the mosh pit with him everywhere he goes :devil:
1 : Dressed predominantly in black.
2 : Dressed predominantly in black rags besides a lovingly cared-for band-t.
3 : Hair you could fry a breakfast on.
4 : A quick-firing 'evil' glance you could fry preppies on.
5 : Buzzing earphones sutured into the flesh of the ears.