Top 6 Butt Rock bands


Arrogant Dickhead
Sep 5, 2002
St. Paul, MN
Top 6 Butt Rock bands:

6-Def Leppard. They really write some really catchy shit if you think about it. 4 years in the studio + slickest production ever (I wouldnt equate that with the best though) - one missing arm = 15 million sold of Hysteria and counting. I wouldnt advise children to try that at home though.

5-Motley Crue. Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll to the fourth power. Too Fast For Love? Phew, they Live Too Fast For Life (copyright Nikki Sixx)!! Plus they had that evil image for awhile that I liked.

4-Whitesnake. I'm a huge fan, but not all their works. I'm not as keen on the early R&B direction (not to be confused with today's definition of R&B). Butt Rock era 'Snake is where it's at, however. Guitar pyrotechnics courtesy of John Sykes, and later, Vivian Campbell, and of course the one man on earth who can play anything at all on a guitar, Steve Vai. Classic sounding productions, a wailing vocal god, and perfect timing create the essence of latter day Whitesnake. As a guitar player, Sykes blew me away with that self titled album. Brilliant. And he snuck it in on a Butt Rock band!

3-Roth-era Van Halen. Eddie was an innovator, to say the least, and their songs were so catchy yet nutty that it just was destined for success. Alex early on was an absolute savage on the drums as well. Great shit. Hagar wasnt really Butt Rock to me ever though. I cant call 5150, OU812, and F.U.C.K. Butt Rock confidently. Although, writing a rock song about motherfucking cake has to fit into some bizarre category somewhere.

2-Bon Jovi. If you ask me, out of all the bands listed here, these guys have the most raw, musical talent. Jon and Richie are unparalelled when it comes to songwriting, and the rest of the band are great musicians too. Well, Tico I dont think is all that amazing as a technical drummer or anything, but he stays in the groove and has tasteful beats. Richie is a guitar god in my eyes. Such a great tone, and a killer, killer singer. I'm also a fan of Richie's solo album too. Great fucking band.

Drumroll please!!!

#1-BANG TANGO!!! Just kidding.

1-Kiss. More peaks and valleys in their career than the fucking Himalayas, but somehow they keep busy like nobody's business. No matter the obstacle, they keep going, which in my eyes is pretty admirable. Plenty of missteps along the way, but the gems make it all worthwhile. I like both makeup Kiss and non. Not all of either, though. I'm not some Kiss Army freak thats huge into The Elder and Unmasked and fucking Animalize and shit, and their endless reunion tours thats clearly not much of a reunion anymore since Ace and Peter are gone again, but there is some real killer, bare bones, rock songs about fucking chicks, partying, and playing Rock and Roll in their catalog. Primitive, easily digested, catchy shit. The amount of songs Gene and Paul have written within the context of Kiss is astounding. I'll always be a fan!!
Butt rock bands/butt rockers ...

5) Motley Crue

4) Ygnwvie Malmsteen (I'm not sure how his damn name is spelled)

3) Ted Nugent

2) Bon Jovi

1) Dio

That's my list ...
Sorry, I have 10.

10.Hammerfall(sounds like someone has Joacim's balls in a vice. Generic riffs)
9.Six Feet Under(Chris Barnes has smoked himself stupid)
7.Dimmu Borgir(Boring music with too many god damn keyboards)
6.Poison(Look What The Cat Dragged In? It dragged in gas station transvestite hookers)
5.Rhapsody(European Power Metal)
4.Cradle of Filth(Dani Filth is a bitch)
3.Stratovarious(combination of Rhapsody's answer, and Hammerfall's, except Straponasaraus has a different singer than Hammerfall, which is a gimmie)
2.Dio(It's Dio. He's 3ft tall and needs to go back to the tree trunk he crawled out of)
1.Manowar(Good message, everything else is cheesier than a V.D. discharge)