Top Ten 2019


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Is that time of the year again, and many know the drill, but there have been newbies coming lately.

Write your top (10 minimum, no maximum) list of albums, concerts, videos, for 2019.
No bashing, no hit and run comments, all lists are valid in the eyes of the poster.

I post mine usually on Dec 31, but anyone who like put it before is welcome. This thread will be "sticky" until Feb 2020 and then will have its own rotation.
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*Looks Around for a Moment*

So I'll go first yeah?

Well...its time to paint a giant target on my back... is everyone?

So while I'm new here...I'm not here to lie to anyone...
so with that short disclaimer out of the is

+ The Top 40 (42?) Albums of 2019 + (In alphabetical order)
Bad Wolves ~ N.A.T.I.O.N
Big Business ~ The Beast You Are
Black Sites ~ Exile
Book Of Wyrms ~ Remythologizer
Bring Me the Horizon ~ Amo
Candlemass ~ The Door To Doom
Cane Hill ~ Kill The Sun
Cerebral Rot ~ Odious Descent Into Decay
Contrarian ~ Their Worm Never Dies
Devin Townsend ~ Empath
Disentomb - The Decaying Light
Distant ~ Tyrannotophia
Exhorder ~ Mourn The Southern Skies
Gurt ~ Bongs Of Praise
Jinjer ~ Micro/Macro
Killswitch Engage ~ Atonement
Korn ~ The Nothing
Krypts ~ Cadaver Circulation
Latitudes ~ Part Island
Lochness ~ Black Smokers
Magic Circle ~ Departed Souls
Meatwound ~ Culero
Nightfell ~ A Sanity Deranged
Obsequiae ~ The Palms Of Sorrowed Kings
Pelican ~ Nighttime Stories
Penguin On Fire ~ Casket Builder
Poppy ~ Choke
Rammstein ~ Rammstein
Rowsdower ~ The Michael Jordans Of Suicide
Sacred Reich ~ Awakening
Sempiternal Dusk ~ Cenotaph Of Defectuous Creation
Slipknot ~ We Are Not Your Kind
Spirit Adrift ~ Divided By Darkness
Sunn O))) ~ Life Metal/Pyroclasts
The Offering ~ Home
Thy Art Is Murder ~ Human Target
Tomb Mold ~ Planetary Clairvoyance
Vltimas ~ Something Wicked Marches
Weedsnake ~ Cannabinoide
Witch Vomit ~ Buried Deep In A Grave

And because I'm just looking for about
I hand out some meaningless "Awards" as well?

+ The Album(s) of the Year +
Sunn O))) ~ Life Metal/Pyroclasts


2019 was the year I finally gave Sunn O))) a
fair chance...and shockingly...I was able to
"break through the wall" & fully immerse myself
in their hallowed choirs of guitar driven drone.

+ The Record Label of the Year +
20 Buck Spin


This label provided 7 of my top 40 (42?) albums of
the year & I will admit I listened to every album they
released in 2019. I am very much hoping they can
keep the momentum going in 2020.

+ The "Play This For The Doubters" Award +
Devin Townsend ~ Empath
Obsequiae ~ The Palms Of Sorrowed Kings

I had to share this award because both these albums
showed how beautifully brutal & constructively creative
metal music can truly be.

+ The "Easiest Listening" Album of the Year +
Sacred Reich ~ Awakening

Possibly the most "fun" album I listened to this
year. Hopefully the Reich won't keep us waiting
too long for their next release.

+ The "Comeback" Album of the Year +

Sacred Reich ~ Awakening

While both Exhorder & Candlemass could have easily
laid claim to this award...I just couldn't go past the Reich
for this award in 2019.

+ The Best "New" Band +

While I personally found a horde of new bands this
year...Lochness was by far the best. Black Smokers
was a stunning debut album & I hope the band continues
to expand & grow as artists in the years to come.

+ The Most Metal Month of the Year Award +

10 albums in my Top 40 (42?) were released in August...
which is ironic considering its the month of my birth.

+ The "Why Don't I like This?" Award +
Babymetal ~ Metal Galaxy

I want to like Babymetal...& I really should...but
apart from the odd song here & there...I just can't
make a solid "connection" with the band.

+ The "Too Much, Too Late" Award +
Tool ~ Fear Inoculum

Seeing as it took them 13 years to write, record &
release it...I'll finally get around to listening to it in
2032. I'll let you know what I think then.

+ The Most Anticipated Release(s) of 2020 Award +
Sepultura ~ Quadra
Poppy ~ I Disagree

Hopefully Sepultura can top Machine Messiah (although
for me that is a tall order) & I'm honestly just curious to
see what Poppy serves up on Sumerian Records.

Well...there you go...

What do you guys think?

*Looks Around for a Moment*

Please don't throw any vegetables or garbage at me...

Well...hopefully I'll be seeing you all around the traps.

I can get on board with a few of those, including the meaningless awards. But I haven't checked out what else is still coming for the year so my list wont be ready until I do.
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I was just looking at a list of albums I've got, heard and want to listen to for this year and there is over 70 on the list. Guess I'm going to be busy finding a top 10.
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I was just looking at a list of albums I've got, heard and want to listen to for this year and there is over 70 on the list. Guess I'm going to be busy finding a top 10.
Give yourself a Top 40 or 50 Slammed.

All the other threads are a top 10 with HM's so that's probably what I'll end up doing here. Depends how many that list whittles down too after I go through it.
Impressive list. This year, mine is gonna be the shortest I can remember, a very weak year.

Post later, still some CDs on my way.
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For me thrash has had a reasonable year. I have had to go hunting for some stuff with regular visits to bandcamp rather than just looking at the mainstream stuff but there was still a few old school thrash bands releasing stuff this year that made a dent for me.
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The best of 2019 for me.

1. Arch / Matheos - Winter Ethereal
2. Abigail Williams - Walk Beyond The Dark
3. In Mourning - Garden of Storms
4. Andy Gillion - Neverafter
5. Allegaeon - Apoptosis
6. Netherbird - Into The Vast Uncharted
7. Slow - VI - Dantalion
8. 1349 - The Infernal Pathway
9. Xoth - Interdimensional Invocations
10. Fleshmeadow - Daymares

11. Rings Of Saturn - Gidim
12. Strigoi - Abandon All Faith
13. Nile - Vile Nilotic Rites
14. Wilderun - Veil Of Imagination
15. Schammasch - Heart Of No Light
16. Vale Of Pnath - Accursed
17. Tribe Of Pazuzu - Heretical Uprising
18. Worsen - Cursed To Witness Life
19. Windswept - The Onlooker
20. Shrine Of Insanabiles - Vast Vortex Litanies

22. Djevel - Ormer Til Armer, Maane Til Hode
23. Diamond Head - Coffin Train
24. Arctos - Beyond The Grasp Of Mortal Hands
25. Alcest - Spiritual Instinct

It’s been an incredible good musical year for me. All of these albums are simply fantasic and that’s saying a lot in such a strong year.

I knew from the moment I heard the Arch / Matheos album for the first time that it would top my year list. I like it even better than their previous release. And like a real fan I immediately ordered the CD and t-shirt package.

My number two album by Abigail Williams, was a complete surprise for me. I didn’t really like their previous album. But this is the damn best album they ever made! Very strong songs with crushing, but very atmospheric vocals. Really impressive.

In Mourning live up to their own high standards with this magnificent album. Very dynamic and divers. I have liked those Swedes since I reviewed their first album for Aardschok and I still do, a lot.

Mors Principium Est guitarist and songwriter Andy Gillion’s solo album ‘Neverafter’ came out of nowhere for me. I remember the many soulless Shrapnel shredding albums in the ‘80s that competed in speed but not in quality songs. Andy’s album is quite different. A stunning combination of symphonic, melodic passages that are interchanged with fiery and amazing leads. If you like some amazing guitar work, check this out.

Allegaeon is my favorite tech death band. And on this years album ‘Apoptosis’ they show why. Although I liked their 2016 album ‘Proponent For Sentience’ a bit better, this one brings home the cookies just about as good. If you like tech death this is the 2019 album to get.

I look back on a great year for metal. I can’t imagine 2020 will be as good as this year. But maybe that’s just a lack of imagination on my side.
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Okay big post warning. (how long can one post be?)

Album of the year for me is Flotsam and Jetsam End Of Choas. I've played it more than any other album and struggle to find anything that comes close to it.

The rest of these albums are bands I've either bought physical copies of, digital copies of, or found on the likes of bandcamp. Some may not have been given a fair go because I only listened to them once or twice, but it is what it is. I know I didn't really need to add the short descriptions with each listing but I figured if I was being anal enough to separate the lists why not go full tilt.

If anyone thinks I've rate wrong I reserve the right not to care

Aussie top 10 2019
(Oh yeah I'm and Aussie so I'll be starting with an Aussie Top 10 that many probably wont have heard)

1. Airbourne – Boneshaker
In the vein of AC/DC and other bands that cut their teeth playing louder and faster to drunken Aussie punters, Airbourne do it and do it well all over world.

2. Mammoth Mammoth – Kreuzung
Call it hard rock, call it stoner metal, call it whatever you like, these guys named themselves after the biggest thing they could think of, then named themselves again because what could be bigger than a Mammoth Mammoth

3. Massive – Rebuild – Destroy
Another pub rock band playing louder and faster live than many metals bands today. Whether they are strictly metal can be argued but they’ve definitely been rocking hard for a few years now.

4. Dead Kelly – Such Is Life
Dead Kelly have been part of the underground metal scene of Australia for so long they are veterans. For years their identities remained a secret and they were one of the first bands to offered everything they recorded for free. It’s a tradition that still lives on. This is thrash with so much of an Aussie feel that it’s bleeds the red dust of the outback.

5. Envenomed – The Walking Shred
Good aussie thrash/groove similarities to old Metallica.

6. Largerstien – 25 – 7
Fun, silly, pirates taking on Scotland’s Alestorm. It’s another solid release that gets extra points for all the silly rhymes and images they create.

7. King Gizzard – Infest The Rat’s Nest
King Gizzard have been around for years, released more albums than I remember but Rat’s Nest is their first foray into thrash, and it’s a pretty damn good effort.

8. Lord – Fallen Idols
Lord is active on other parts of this forum, although not very active it seems. But this album was a solid 2019 release. I’m not sold on the vocals, at times the voice is annoying, but the music is first class, and the Icehouse cover is top notch.

9. King Gizzard – Fishing For Fishes
Stoner, weird, strange, exactly what King Gizzard are known for.

10. Virgin Soldiers Live 2019
I don’t normally include live albums on my top numbers lists but this on rounded out an even 10 albums. This guys were stalwarts of the Melbourne Metal scene in the 80’s and their hard rock was some of the best. In 2019 there is nothing new, but it’s still good hard rock.

Speed metal

1. Dogtor – Attack On All Fronts – The Best Of..
I wouldn’t normally rate best of albums but before I saw this album on the release lists I hadn’t heard of the band. I gave them a shot and I’m glad I did. These lads from Finland are pretty damn good. I’m in the process of hunting down all their albums now.

2. Chainbreaker – Lethal Desire
The debut full length from these Canadians is a ball tearer and well worth listening for all speed or thrash metal fans.

3. Gunjack – The Cult Of The Triblade
Came across these guys by accident. They could nearly be the Italian Motorhead, albeit 40 years later.

4. BAT – AXEtasy
Another band I came across by accident on bandcamp. There is some serious Venom worship happening on this album, the only real downside is that it is too short.

5. Coventrate - Roots Of All Evil
This was an early contender for the list being released in March and although it’s not strong enough to be number 1 it’s still a very solid second release.

6. Mystik – Mystik
On first listen I rated this higher, and while I still think it’s good subsequent listens and better albums from other bands have lowered its rating. However I still look forward to the EP they are recording now.

7. Riot City – Burn The Night
There seemed to be a bit of hype around this release. For me it was a good album, very listenable, but not good enough to rate higher.

8. Iron Curtain – Danger Zone
Compared to their previous releases this album isn’t as speedy, which is a small let down, but it’s still not a terrible effort

9. Vulture – Ghastly Waves & Battered Graves
No idea how I came across this album but it’s not too bad.

10. Warsenal – Feast Your Eyes
Were it not for me deciding to go anal and write up separate lists this year Warsenal would not have made it close to the top 10. It’s a disappointment because Barn Burner was a killer album but this album just doesn’t come close.

Thrash Metal

1. Flotsam & Jetsam – End Of Chaos
Album of the year over all categories for me. No idea how many times I have listened to this album over the year but for me it’s easy the most played album this year.

2. Overkill – Wings Of War
Another classic release from a classic thrash band. These guys are consistent, they rarely stuff it up and they keep the albums coming in a timely manner.

3. Death Angel – Humancide
This album took time to grow on me and now it has I think it’s one of their finest.

4. Exhorder – Mourn The Southern Skies
Excellent come back for Exhorder. It’s not quiet as good as their first two but it’s definitely well worthy of the collection and it’s great to see the boys back.

5. Dust Bolt - Trapped In Chaos
When first released I compared this too closely to their previous releases and didn’t rate it that high. However it’s definitely grown on me over the year

6. War Curse – Eradication
Was surprised when this came across my desk, I wasn’t prepared to like it as much as I did. There is elements of both Exhorder and Testament here and it blends well, so well I will have to check out their first album.

7. Hatriot – From Days Unto Darkness
It’s been a while between drinks for Hatriot and they have come back with a solid release. Even without Daddy Zetro at the helm Cody and the boys have shown they have got what it takes to write some brilliant thrash and some suitably angry lyrics.

8. Sacred Reich – Awakening
This is a good Sacred Reich album but it’s too short and as much as I would like to have rated it higher it’s just not as good as their early albums or as good (for me) as others on this list.

9. Wreck-Defy – Remnants Of Pain
With ex-members of Testament and Annihilator Wreck-defy have themselves a great thrashy sound. At times the vocals sound a bit like MegaDave but the music is their own. With luck getting a distribution deal might pay off for these guys.

10. Xentrix – Bury The Pain
Another comeback album and like Sacred and Exhorder I probably expected too much. It’s a good album but it’s not as powerful and thrashing as Shattered Existence.

11. Omicida – Defrauded Reign
Another Bandcamp find, this old school thrash is done well.

12. Acromizer – Awakening
Thank you bandcamp, although my wallet doesn’t agree. Good thrash and bonus points for a song about Toxie

13. Exumer – Hostile Defiance
Exactly what Exumer are good at, fast, thrashing metal.

14. Toxic Carnage – Doomed From The Beginning
Another album that hooked me on first listen, unfortunately like a few others it hasn’t stood up to the full years worth of releases.

15. Suicidal Angels – Years Of Aggression
Loved this band’s earlier stuff and while this is still good it’s not good enough for me to rank any higher

16. Mortifex – Mortifex
Solid but not great thrash and I’m not sold on the vocals. I think the name also has “Candyman” like magic, for if you mention it enough in one thread a random female joins the thread and lays on the praise for the band.

17. Eugenic Death – Under The Knife
I liked this upon first listen but quickly got bored with it. One average song shouldn’t make or break an album but for me Hara Shiva on this album nearly does.

18. Weresquatch – The Maddening Memoirs
I heard this on YT and kind of liked it but its far from great. There is some good riffs on it though.

19. Massive Destruktion – Mercenaries
Debut album from this Puerto Rician thrash band is well worth checking out if you’re into thrash with growl

20. Destruction – Born To Perish
Music ok, lyrics not so ok.


Toxic Holocaust – Primal Future
Not up to their own standard but still okay

Mortal Infinity – In Cold Blood
Good album but nothing really that grabs me

Indestructible Noise Command – Terrible Things
Ok but not as good as debut

Eradikator – Obscura
Liked it upon first listen but while it has a few moments it hasn’t grown on me

Killery – Ready For The Apocalypse
Nothing really standout but still okay

Decap Attack – Sensory Override
Good but not enough good
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I decided to split the post.

Power Metal

1. Gloryhammer – Legends From Beyond The Galactic TerrorVotex
It’s Cheesy, it’s power metal, it’s Gloryhammer. Okay I have a hard time going past these guys simply because they are fun and cheesy.

2. Sabaton – The Great War
While not as cheesy as Gloryhammer The Great War is a brilliant album. I’ve heard plenty say Sabaton are boring because of their single topic albums and songs, but for me unashamedly that’s one of their appeals.

3. Blazon Stone – Hymns Of Triumph And Death
Anyone who knows Blazon Stone knows they are Cedric Fosberg’s baby made in the shadow of Running Wild and it’s something they do well. While Running Wild don’t release music this is an insanely good substitute.

4. Whipping The Clown – Run Away And Hide
No idea how I came across these guys but the name tweaked my interest. They aren’t the best power/thrash band around but this and Playground are worth a listening.

5. DragonForce – Extreme Power Metal
It’s DragonForce, nothing new here, the same old DF but that’s what you pay for.

6. HammerFall – Dominion
Like DragonForce there is nothing new here, HammerFall haven’t reinvented themselves or their music, but if you’re a fan you probably don’t want them too.

7. Elvenking – Reader Of The Ruins
I wanted to like it more than I did but like the two before this it really is just more of what one expected from the band, nothing new or inventive.

Crossover Thrash

1. Insanity Alert – 666 Pack

This is silly, crazy, mad, and had goofy lyrics, exactly what crossover should be!

2. Enforced – Enforced
One of the best thrash crossover debuts of recent times

3. Eye Rake – Eye Rake
Another solid crossover release.

4. Activate – Critical Mass Extinction
This is solid old school crossover with lots of cheesy 80’s references. Makes for some easy listening pleasure.

5. Lowest Creature – Sacrilegious
Good band solid album but not worthy of a higher spot.

6. Smash Potater – Suburban Legends
Silly crossover and voices overs but not enough to raise it higher on the list.


1. Doro – Backstage to Heaven
No new songs but it’s Doro and in was new in 2019.
(Top spot taken purely for looks!!)

2. Exmortus – Legions Of The Undead
Interesting covers and they are done well. Otherwise it’s just an EP.

3. Running Wild – Crossing the Blades
Good four songs, including the KISS cover, but I want a full album!

4. Manowar – The Final Battle I
Love them or hate them it’s Manowar….And they don’t care!

5. Sodom – Out Of The Front Line Trench
Can’t go past the Agent Orange and Bombenhagel redos

6. Municipal Waste – The Last Rager
Only problem with this is it’s not long enough.

7. The Unbroken – Human Crown
Debut EP from this thrash/groove band shows promise

8. Sodom – Down On Your Knees
Need a full album from Sodom

9. Face Of Desaster – Face Of Disaster
Good solid debut EP of 8 songs

10. Terbiocide – Muntantkind
Debut EP from Italian thrash band

Live (CD or DVD)

1. Helloween – United Alive In Madrid
The hype of the band getting back together was warranted. CD or DVD of this concert is amazing with news that they are currently in the studio it’s even better news.

2. Evil Invaders – Surge Of Insanity – Live In Antwerp 2018
I’ve been following these guys for a while and this concert proves why. Brilliant display of power and speed.

3. Blind Guardian – Twilight Orchestra – The Legacy Of The Dark Lands
A great collection of songs done in a terrific way

4. Sons Of Apollo - Live With The Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony
Only heard once because I have to be in the mood for Sons, but it sounded okay

Heavy Metal

1. Phil Campbell – Old Lions Still Roar
Whatever the category this album is brilliant.

2. Altitudes and Attitudes – Get It Out
Again, not sure of the genre but it still good rocking shit

3. Battle Beast – No More Hollywood Endings
Solid album but nothing out of the ordinary for them

4. RAM – The Throne Within
This album did grow on me but I don’t think it’s their best.

5. Devin Townsend – Empath
Devin is brilliant but unfortunately for me his albums something get boring half way through.

6. Kobra And The Lotus – Evolution
Good blast of metal but I think Kobra is losing some of it’s bite as the albums progress.

7. Dave Ellefson – Sleeping Giants
There is some okay stuff on this, like the F5 songs and the song with John Bush, but there is some garbage too.

8. Flying Colors – Third Degree
Music is great but for me the vocals let it down

Death Metal

1. Opprobrium – The Fallen Entities
This album isn’t as good as their releases as Incubus, but few could make them that good. Still a damn good come back record and one worthy of the collection.

2. VLTIMAS – Something Wicked Marches In
Heard a lot of people say David has lost it and that he can’t be as good as he was in Morbid Angel but I don’t care what they say I like this album

3. Amon Armath – Beserker
I used to like Amon Armath but as the albums go on I seem to find less and less in them to keep me interested.

Folk Metal

1. Rumahoy – Time II Party
I love stupid, silly, fun lyrics. Obviously those three this are personally subjective but for me Rumahoy are a laugh and listening to their brand of metal brings a smile to my face.

2. Largerstien – 25 – 7
These guys are already listed in my Aussie top 10 but I needed something else to go in the Folk metal section. It’s another solid release that gets extra points for all the silly rhymes and images they create.

3. Calico Jack – Calico Jack
Only really included to make a top three, it wasn’t the sort of folk metal I really enjoy, still it’s listenable.

Oh and in case it matters I did use M-A for the genres, I might also take a little liberty with those genres to suit my own purposes. If anyone doesn't agree with those genres too bad :)
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King Gizzard

A friend introduce me to the band, but didn't impressed me.

I got their debut, very Venom indeed, But not interested in more material from them.

3. Death Angel – Humancide
This album took time to grow on me and now it has I think it’s one of their finest.

10. Xentrix – Bury The Pain
Another comeback album and like Sacred and Exhorder I probably expected too much. It’s a good album but it’s not as powerful and thrashing as Shattered Existence.

My numbers #3 and 11 of the year so far. Really good stuff, DA never disappoints, and Xentrix made a very decent comeback.

1. Gloryhammer – Legends From Beyond The Galactic TerrorVotex

It’s Cheesy, it’s power metal, it’s Gloryhammer. Okay I have a hard time going past these guys simply because they are fun and cheesy.

6. HammerFall – Dominion
Like DragonForce there is nothing new here, HammerFall haven’t reinvented themselves or their music, but if you’re a fan you probably don’t want them too.

My #2 and 8 of the year so far. I love Gloryhammer, the way PM should be cheesy and funny.
Hammerfall still works for me (except for "Infected"), but this is not as good as "(r)Evolution". Said that '(We Make) Sweden Rock' is catchy as hell.

1. Phil Campbell – Old Lions Still Roar
Whatever the category this album is brilliant.

Went under my radar, I like the Phil Campbell and The Bastard Sons stuff, I will have to check this one.
Well here goes mine. I may shuffle some positions later depending on the last 10 days spinning mode.

A very wallet-friendly year. The older I get the less I'm interested in discover stuff and are fewer bands still there producing music for my taste.

Heavy Metal

1. Steel Prophet – “The God Machine”

2. Gloryhammer – “Legends From Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex”

3. Death Angel – “Humanicide”

4. Astral Doors – “Worship Or Die”

5. Crystal Viper – “Tales Of Fire And Ice”

6. Rock Goddess – “This Time”

7. Xentrix – “Bury The Pain”

8. Pretty Maids – “Undress Your Madness”

9. Grand Magus – “Wolf God”

10. Hammerfall – “Dominion”

11. Blatant Disarray – “Ebon Path”

12. Tyr – “Hel”

13. Majesty – “Legends”

14. Avatarium – “The Fire I Long For”

15. Avantasia – “Moonglow”

Hard Rock

1. Black Star Riders – “Another State Of Grace”

2. Kadavar – “For The Dead Travel Fast”

Progressive Metal /Rock/Jazz

1. Focus – “Focus 11”

2. Jordan Rudess – “Wired For Madness”

3. The Flower Kings – “Waiting For Miracles”

4. Will Of The Mountain – “The Third Silence”

Stuff that didn’t made on time to be ranked before Dec 31

Orodruin – “Ruins Of Eternity”
Salem UK – “Win Lose Or Draw


1. Will Of The Mountain
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A friend introduce me to the band, but didn't impressed me.

They've got something like 15 albums and each one is different, although thrash is a new direction for them, but if your not into stoner music of any kind you definitely wont understand the Gizzard.

My numbers #3 and 11 of the year so far. Really good stuff, DA never disappoints, and Xentrix made a very decent comeback.

I'm probably not what one would class as a DA fan. I've got their first four albums and when they came out I did like them a lot but I never really listened to them much after the 90's. I picked up their last album and didn't mind it and picked up Humancide based on that but didn't expect to like it as much as I did.

My #2 and 8 of the year so far. I love Gloryhammer, the way PM should be cheesy and funny.
Hammerfall still works for me (except for "Infected"), but this is not as good as "(r)Evolution". Said that '(We Make) Sweden Rock' is catchy as hell.

Gloryhammer is stupid fun and while the have their detractors who constant come up with new reasons to dislike them I just laugh. The band themselves are having fun, they are making what they want and there is humour in their lyrics. Trying to kick a band for doing that is pretty funny in itself.
There is a lot of bands I would choose before HammerFall or DragonForce, but the one thing with both those bands is you always know what to expect and they generally don't let you down. However I didn't listen to a lot of power metal this year.

Went under my radar, I like the Phil Campbell and The Bastard Sons stuff, I will have to check this one.

PC & TBS are great but don't buy Old Lions based on that, it's not the sort of music you'd automatically expect from Phil. The songs are a lot more mellow and have a more personal feel to them. People like Alice, Halford, even Snider help along the way but Old Lions really feels like a labour of love deeper than anything he's done before.
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They've got something like 15 albums and each one is different, although thrash is a new direction for them, but if your not into stoner music of any kind you definitely wont understand the Gizzard.

I'm an epic or classic doom kind of guy, but not stoner. Indeed the material presented to me was weird retro stuff.

Gloryhammer is stupid fun and while the have their detractors who constant come up with new reasons to dislike them I just laugh. The band themselves are having fun, they are making what they want and there is humour in their lyrics. Trying to kick a band for doing that is pretty funny in itself.

Exactly! :rofl:

There is a lot of bands I would choose before HammerFall or DragonForce, but the one thing with both those bands is you always know what to expect and they generally don't let you down. However I didn't listen to a lot of power metal this year.

I can't stand Dragonforce. I was a lot into Euro PM but now I can count with one hand the bands I dig in that branch. And yes Hammerfall is one, exactly for the reasons you just mentioned.

PC & TBS are great but don't buy Old Lions based on that, it's not the sort of music you'd automatically expect from Phil. The songs are a lot more mellow and have a more personal feel to them. People like Alice, Halford, even Snider help along the way but Old Lions really feels like a labour of love deeper than anything he's done before.

Thanks for the hint.
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I have only done my rock/metal specific list but that's for a website I write for so I can't list that until it goes live on there. I will say that it wasn't even a top 10 list because there's not a whole lot I listened to this year. I have a couple of discs left to listen to and review so I may get there.

But I also produce an all-genre Top 10 because I listen to some non-metal stuff as well. That will be up by the end of the year.

I will say that my list(s) are going to be way lighter than everyone else's.
I read your review of Sabaton and pretty much agree with the way you rated it.
Top metal gigs/concerts of 2019. Some bands I saw multiple times such as Slumbug and Earth Tongue rule, but I struggle to recall how good every gig was. I've included the best times though:

1. Lucifungus - Auckland, 8th Feb
2. Earth Tongue - Wellington, 6th Dec (more of a rock gig but DAHTM supported so I'll count it)
3. Girlschool/Raven/Tank - Melbourne, 29th Jun
4. Slayer - Auckland, 15th Mar
5. Cult Leader - Auckland, 15th Apr
6. Tyrannic - Auckland, 9th Feb
7. 'Gus Is Born' event - Thames, 8th Jun (mostly non-metal gig with 10 bands but Slumbug on the bill is a favourite)
8. Wo Fat - Auckland, 11th Jun
9. Execrate - Wellington, 25th Oct
10. Piggery - Wellington, 20th Dec

Top metal releases of 2019:

1. Into Orbit - Kinesis
2. TVX - TVX
3. Coffins - Beyond the Circular Demise
4. Dawninsection - Dusk Till Dawn
5. Mosquito Control - Morbid Orations in the Pestilential Age
6. Saint Vitus - Saint Vitus
7. Witch Head - Witch Head EP
8. Diamond Head - The Coffin Train
9. Execrate - Ridicule of Sanity
10. Beastwars - IV

11. Rock Goddess - This Time
12. Knowhere - Demo
13. Crypt Sermon - The Ruins of Fading Light
14. DAHTM - Silver Banshee EP
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