Top ten songs that killed arena rock.

I agree with all of them but Rush, 'New World Man' is a neat song.
Wow! Styx had the #1 and the #8. Ouch!

I can remember many, many very nice slow dances at the sock hops (hey, that's what they still called them where I grew up) to Beth, Babe and Open Arms. I'll never slag any of those three. Aaaah, nice memories those. :)
kittybeast said:
hahahaha 7th grade dance. Slow dancing to "Beth", Tracey Nadeau trying to grab my ass! :tickled:

Is Tracey a boy's name? :err: Otherwise I want to see pics of that event :loco:

I can't even remember if I knew how to dance in 7th grade :lol:, but if we do must have been close to disco :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: cause it was 78.
kittybeast said:
hahahaha 7th grade dance. Slow dancing to "Beth", Tracey Nadeau trying to grab my ass! :tickled:

I wasn't allowed to go to dances until 9th grade. :cry: And then I was the grabb-er instead of the grab-ee. :Smug: Not really though. I was far too shy.
kittybeast said:
It was 1977 and yes it was a boy....I haven't nor ever will lick carpet! :tickled: :tickled:

I heard about bitting pillow, but licking carpet...:Spin: