Top ten songs that killed arena rock.

JonnyD said:
Though... we always called it Carpet Munching up this way


I will never be able to you-know-what without having that picture in mind (or looking at my house carpeting with innocence again :tickled: ).

P.S. I do like 'Mr. Roboto', maybe because it was a hit during my highschool years before my conversion.
kittybeast said:
words of the infamous Cartman (southpark) "my mom says if you want to be a lesbian you have to lick a lot of carpet!" :tickled:

:OMG: Bad Kitty! I leave for a lil while and you are causing all sorts of havoc...

Agreed on Styx... cannot stand them
JonnyD said:
Yaknow what Blows me away? The fact that Phil Collins used to Rock atleast on earlyier Genesis

no doubt..makes you wonder what he was thinking when he went solo. Not bashing Phil as he is a most talented musician..but things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm