Watchmaker: From pissing on metalcore to the war in Iraq. Please read.

Again, I think it's a keen sense of self promotion. They do a really good job at it for those who appreciate the finer things in life.

I mean, if it wasn't for that leaf, lurch70 would still be a virgin.
If Erik owned or actually REALLY listened to a Watchmaker CD, I probably wouldn't just skip right past his posts in this thread. As it stands, he has absolutely no credibility on the issue of anything involving Watchmaker.
While I don't love Watchmaker as much as Nate, he is right in saying they are the next evolutionary step toward the future of metal, because well, they are.
don't even NEED to hear them. One look at the trendy logo and the length of the members' hair tells me that they're a shit poser band that should die.

that pretty much sums up a closed minded mentality

No, it's dedication to the cause of True Heavy Metal (which Watchmaker is not)

what a load of shite
I've had discussions with Brian Livoti about the history of metal and the man is very dedicated to it.
What is the true cause of heavy metal anyway?
buying as many judas priest albums as you can (take some image notes) banging your fist and growing your hair?
nothing wrong with that of course but not everything needs to exist on only base levels and be viewed on singular motives.
maybe you just don't get the point behind watchmaker
I hope you were not serious Erik ... but I do agree Watchmaker do suck. Their fucking name even reminds me of the Russian guy down the street from me who changes batteries in my Casio
Now PJ is entitled to that opinion, because he actually has 'Kill.Fucking.Everyone.' for sale. Watchmaker, like any VERY extreme band, is either loved or hated.

Part of the reason I like Watchmaker so much is because Brian Livoti takes so much of his time to just shoot the shit (the METAL shit) with me. He's EASILY the coolest person in a widely distributed band that I've ever talked to.

PJ would really enjoy talking to Brian Livoti. You guys have a ton in common with all your old-school tastes.
I like Watchmaker, but they are not a band I can listen to very much. Kinda like Today is the Day.

And yes, Halford is gay.
I agree with Paul here, there should be no unwritten code of laws in metal (Or at least no absolute standard), and making assumptions based on one lead to judgments based on image. As I have not heard the band in question, I'll keep my mouth shut from here...
From right after displaying a link to download some samples:
But why download our songs? If you are new to the Watchmaker experience, I can more accurately describe what we sound like with words: Being from Boston, we are obviously groove-oriented, jazz and rap influenced, mid-tempo metalcore with mid-range vocals and mid-range convictions, and mid-range mid-range. To sum it up, we are very mid. So feel free to like us now and buy our CDs you complete and total fucking pussies.
:kickass: :lol:
Play it next time you have a chick over, it makes girls just wanna suck on some manmeat when they hear those soft croons.
If I had a step sister with hot friends I'd probably stare and them from a safe distance while pretending to do something else.

Man, that would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeet...