
I got mine a couple of days ago, my Torn shirt has only come off my back to go to work and sleep :D
I didn´t have the chance to order tha VIP packages because of vacation...but I ordered a signed copy of Torn from Bengans (Swedish CD shop) and I received it today.

So I must say that I´m very pleased, even though I didnt get tha t-shirt, pic and postcard. A signed limited edition CD works great for me ;)
So, it seems that people who pre-ordered are receiving these in advance of the official street dates which is indeed awesome. Has anyone who preordered in the U.S. received theirs yet? I'm checking the mailbox everyday - and will do so again in about an hour when the postman gets here.

Edited to add:

[size=+4]IT'S HERE!!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!![/size]
Got it........It's friggin' HEAVY and TIGHT!!!! I'm only on track 3. The main riff for Fear is absolutely massive. Nice work guys. Thank you for your hard work!!!!! Can't wait to get a couple of good listens.
Got mine today, loving it, the bonus track is killer, love the pick, Hansi, lucky you got 2 of each, very cool.

Just wondering, didn't the pre order also say a signed booklet as well, not that I am complaining, thought it said that as well, but who cares, I got it and I am stoked as!
HELL FUCKING YEAH got my torn cd today and i live in australia it came early.. wearing the shirt with pride..and HOLY SHIT this cd goes off man i'm loving every song goes off evergrey you've outdone yourselves..
Has anyone noticed any problems with Torn when you copy it to Windows Media Player? It seems to play the last 30 seconds or so of the previous song before the actual song starts to play...I've never come across this before, you guys noticed anything similar? Its a fucking brilliant album btw :rock:
Has anyone noticed any problems with Torn when you copy it to Windows Media Player? It seems to play the last 30 seconds or so of the previous song before the actual song starts to play...I've never come across this before, you guys noticed anything similar? Its a fucking brilliant album btw :rock:

I've never noticed anything BUT problems with Windows Media, or Windows itself for what that mathers.
I got mine this Friday at the signing session @ Mediamarkt.
And man, I haven't listened to any other band or album since then! It rules :D