Torture Division and Swanö deliver the new demo.

Can we pay you too? I owe you at least some washing up liquid
I can't get that link to open, it's just giving a blank page in all 6 of my browsers. Is that a subtle hint that the cunners have sent you FUCK ALL yet??? O.O
I'm coming to Orebro in a week's time. Will you be there?
She's on here as MoonTower but she won't go beyond 37 posts because its all so fucken funny, isn't it. Messing with the mind of an ephemeral.
Oh well... I guess an answer was too much to hope for AS USUAL LOL. I'll be meeting her in a couple of weeks or so anyway... with her consent. Or maybe without? There's no chance she'll recognise me, haha. I've regenerated..... and now I'm taking off.
Er, Kecko, not Åsa - haha! PS. My primary and System Church Facebook accounts have been terminated indefinitely due to a death in the family.... you can still find me on:

Pay particular attention to Anastasia Arch-warlock.... she's not what she seems. Was there an owl in here last night?

Don't delete my posts, each one is an extra few kronor to the Torture Fund. How cuntingly appropriate :)

"Be seeing you!"
You can bite my balls, Naglfar. Not sure how you're going to achive that - Light is everywhere, just look around you :p