Totally confused.....

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
So over the past year I have switched from using a pc with adobe audition to using a mac with Logic Pro. I am a bit confused bc I got way better quality with my pc setup than I have with my mac. I dont blame the mac I just dont know if Logic is the one for me. It seems like my recordings sound a lot more one dimensional and not as big as they did beforehand. I have really tried to like logic, but it seems I may just switch to something like cubase. What are some affordable and awesome DAW's you guys could recommend looking into? And also have any of you guys experienced some of the same issues in logic? I know this pretty vague but I just needed to vent my frustrations.

Thanks guys,

p.s. sorry for the terrible grammar. Lack of sleep is a killer.
Every host has a different sound because of their summing man. So automatically, it will sound different. Add to that the fact that you are use to Audition, doing anything in Logic will be different. The effect parameters and EQs are just...different. I think you just need to get use to Logic before getting rid of it. However, I would say get Cubase :)

Hahahahahhaaha, I know that feeling. But since you're on a mac, I'd definitely go Cubase (I say on a Mac cuz Reaper is soon to be my choice on PC)
They have that free version of Reaper for mac. I might give it a spin just to see how the flow of it is. I mean it is free.
I gave Logic a try this year and wasn't very impressed. I'm infinitely happier in Cubase. Mac OS X is a much better OS than Windows, and Cubase is the best DAW regardless of platform.
I gave Logic a try this year and wasn't very impressed. I'm infinitely happier in Cubase. Mac OS X is a much better OS than Windows, and Cubase is the best DAW regardless of platform.

Mac rules! Agree!

Cubase I can't get into. I stare at it like a bewildered animal with fast approaching headlights. :lol: I get so lost it's not even funny. I'm stuck on Logic, it feels like home.
Well the PC version of Reaper is essentially free and works great, so I think the issue isn't the price but rather the (as of now) poor Mac implementation.
Sonar anyone?
I really, really like sonar, especially the last release: great midi control, multiple audio editing features, amazing automation, etc.

In fact, I only use Pro Tools at work because that’s the customer standard. At home, I do all my recordings with Sonar 7.
I use sonar, and I love everything about it, its very easy to work once you know the basics.

I looked up sonar but they dont seem to make a version for mac. Atleast not that I could find, but then again I could be dumb.