Totally underrated guitarists

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Who are some guitarists in bands where you listen and just think "Far out, why doesn't this guy get recognised as a guitar hero? He's awesome!"

Here are some that come to mind for me:

Bill Levertey (Firehouse) - Sounds like Reb Beach & Warren DeMartini & just as good!
Harry K (Shotgun Messiah) - Killer playing! The man can shred and has EVH's spontanaety & excitement!
Ratchet (Metal Shop, now called Metal Skool) - I'm serious this guy can fuckin' PLAY, even if the band is a parody!
Bruce Kulick (KISS) - He gets recognition just coz he's in Kiss but not enough. Amazingly talented & tasteful guitarist.
Tim Kelly (Slaughter) - Mainly for his creative & interesting approach to rhythm guitar. Sets Slaughter's sound apart from other bands, good stuff.
Dave "The Snake" Sabo and Scotti Hill, its disgraceful how under rated they are, listen to the solos and riffs on Slave To The Grind and the debut... AWESOME. Im shocked and appalled at the world for their disregard of this kick ass guitar duo.

For rhythm playing Jeff and Kerry from Slayer, all people do is complain because they dont like their solos completely overlooking the fact that they are 2 of the best rhythm players EVER.

Trey Azagthoth always gets ignored too, and he is amazing.
I don't think Slayer's rhythm guitar is underrated though coz alot of people praise their rhythm playing. Personally though I don't even think that is anything special.
I know, but thats only because you are still bitter that they stopped playing glam in 1983 :)

"Slayers rhythm playing is nothing special" You poor sap.
Just coz its fast doesn't make it good in my opinion. I'll take Ratt's rhythm guitar anyday. Awesome twin guitar textures, killer riffing with interesting sounding chords, Robbin & Warren are awesome.

Or Def Leppard around Hysteria era. Again - the twin guitar textures in those songs are amazing. I'll take that over 2 guys just doubling each other's "lets see how fast we can pick the E string" riffs.
Troops, I wasnt asking what music you prefer, I was saying that Kerry and Jeffs rhythm playing is phenomenal, and it is. How many guitarists could get through a 100 minute Slayer set? Not many, all those black/death metal guitarists only ever play 60 minutes at the most because they dont play arenas like Slayer. Then do at least 180 shows a year playing Slayers stuff for 20 years and you are saying they are not phenomenal rhythm players?

Oh and Richie Sambora is maybe the most under rated guitarist ever, his solos are AMAZING, his songwriting is brilliant and he just kicks lots of ass.
Somnium - coolest leads ever.

Stu - He seems to miss out on the admiration that LT gets, but Stu rocks just as hard.

Deniz Tek - Radio birdman are underated as it is
Chris Masuak- see above

The Great Kat- damn that bitch can play.
Gotta agree on Richie Sambora there. Amazing guitarist! :)

Sorry we just have to agree to disagree on Slayer! I mean Iced Earth's rhythm playing is alot better than Slayer's, and I reckon thats really easy to play once you're used to picking fast as well. I just think that good rhythm guitar is about creativity in how you play your riffs as opposed to how fast you can play them.
Oh yeah, I'll also add to the list the 10 or so year old kid who played in Bad 4 Good! Hahaha! He shredded his little pre-pubescent balls off! People actually thought it was Steve Vai playing his guitar parts on the album (Vai produced the record) but Vai didn't play a note, it was all the kid!
The Trooper said:
Sorry we just have to agree to disagree on Slayer! I mean Iced Earth's rhythm playing is alot better than Slayer's, and I reckon thats really easy to play once you're used to picking fast as well. I just think that good rhythm guitar is about creativity in how you play your riffs as opposed to how fast you can play them.
Please explain how playing a riff creatively is different to playing the same riff uncreatively.

Also, saying "thats really easy to play once youre used to picking fast" means nothing, thats like saying "I could play like Steve Vai once id practiced enough".

Good rhythm guitar is about locking in with the drums and bass and staying on time, not an easy thing when you are playing at 200bpm + Also, its about replicating it live, any fool can do good rhythm guitar in the studio.
They are good rhythm guitarists I never said they weren't. I said they aren't underrated at it because they get praised for it alot and they aren't anything more special than what they get credit for anyway.

And by creative rhythm guitar, I mean stuff like for example if you listen to early Van Halen albums where every time Eddie plays a riff it sounds different & fresh & exciting, its unpredictable and full of flash... or early Ratt albums where the 2 guitarists create cool sounding textures between their riffs, etc. I just personally prefer that kinda thing over thrashy rhythm guitar which I find a bit boring. Just personal taste. And as I said, I never denied that Kerry & Jeff were good at rhythm guitar, I just said I don't tihnk they are underrated. They get ALOT of credit for their rhythm guitar playing so for it to be underrated it would have to be REALLY special and its not...

That's like saying Eddie Van Halen is an underrated lead guitarist. He isn't! But I'm not saying he isn't good coz he's in my top 3 guitarists of all time!
Actually, Kerry and Jeff get bashed all the time because people dont like their solos, and the same people conveniently ignore their rhythm playing.

I think Eric Peterson from Testament is quite under rated as well, I really like his playing, he can do brutal thrash/black metal stuff but also play the AMAZING solo at the start of Trail Of Tears. I raise a glass to you Eric.
A quick head count of everyone here would only prove my point. Sprucey has never even heard Slayer, you hate them, Spiff is ambivalent about them, id say only Goreripper, Koichi and myself love Slayer. Considering theres about 25 regulars here that isnt exactly popular by any means.
That is very true Koich. You are a smart fellow indeed :)

Also, in my opinion anyway, there are TONS of thrash, speed, death & black metal bands whose guitarists are just as good or better than Slayer's at playing that style, and Slayer get 10x more recognition than any of them.
Trixxi Trash!
Connie Roxx!
Voxx Vokker!

ummm... the dude from Aerosmith, don't know if he's under-rated but he comes up with some AMAZING solos. Joe Pesci or whatever :p

Also, Kirk Hammett & James Hetfield are under-rated by people who know a thing or two, and over-rated by people who don't.
